jQuery Deferred – 延迟getJSON成功函数中的变量范围

我将延迟的getJSON调用添加到for循环中的一个数组中,该循环引用其成功函数中的局部变量。 我遇到的问题是,当调用success函数时,局部变量将从循环的最后一次迭代中获取值。 见下面的例子:

var calls = []; var arr = ['a','b','c']; for (var a in arr) { calls.push( $.getJSON(window.location, function() { alert(arr[a]); }) ); } $.when.apply($,calls); 

jsFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/Me5rV/

这导致三个警报值为’c’,而我想要值’a’,’b’和’c’。 这可能吗?


 var calls = []; var arr = ['a','b','c']; for (var a in arr) { calls.push( $.getJSON(window.location, function(x) { alert(x); }(arr[a])) ); } $.when.apply($,calls); 

jsFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/Me5rV/1/


 var a = []; for( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { a.push( function() { alert(i); }); } 


 var a = [], i = 0; a.push( function(){ alert(i); }); i++; a.push( function() { alert(i); }); i++; a.push( function() { alert(i); }); i++; //condition isn't met, loop terminates alert(i) //alerts 3 because i is 3 now. //That's why all the functions alert 3, because they all //refer to this i and its value is 3 


 a.push( function(i){ return function() { alert(i); //Refers to the i passed as argument to the outer function //not the global one //The local i has whatever value the global i had when it was passed //as argument }; }(i));