

$(document).ready(function() { addElements(); } ); function addElements() { $("#list1").empty().append( "
  • Item 1
  • "+ "
  • Item 2
  • "+ "
  • Item 3
  • " ); } $(function() { // there's the gallery and the trash var $gallery = $( "#list1" ), $trash = $( "#list2" ); // let the gallery items be draggable $( "li", $gallery ).draggable({ cancel: "button", // these elements won't initiate dragging revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); // let the trash be droppable, accepting the gallery items $trash.droppable({ accept: "#list1 > li", drop: function( event, ui ) { $("#list2").append(ui.draggable); addElements(); } }); });

    在文档就绪方法我将一些元素附加到list1,然后我在该列表上初始化draggable,所以我第一次能够拖动list1元素。 在list2中删除我调用addElements()函数来清除并向list1添加一些元素。 但我无法拖动这些添加的元素。


    这是基于更新http://jsfiddle.net/XUFUQ/6/需要做的丑陋版本。 最好分解出可恢复的代码:

     // let the trash be droppable, accepting the gallery items $trash.droppable({ accept: "#list1 > li", drop: function( event, ui ) { $("#list2").append(ui.draggable); addElements(); $( "li", $gallery ).draggable({ cancel: "button", // these elements won't initiate dragging revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }) } }); 

    基本上调用draggable只会连接到运行时存在的元素。 这会为每个元素添加各种鼠标处理事件。 如果你添加元素,它对它们一无所知,所以你需要再次调用draggable。



     //The "on" event is assigned to the "document" element which is always available within the context //Capture all the "mouseenter" event to any child element of "document" with a specific class (you can you any valid jQuery selector you like) //any live and dynamic element with the class will become draggable (haven't tested on touchscreen devices) $(document).on("mouseenter", '.someClass', function(e){ var item = $(this); //check if the item is already draggable if (!item.is('.ui-draggable')) { //make the item draggable item.draggable({ ............. }); } }); 



     function addElements() { $("#list1").empty().append( "
  • Item 1
  • "+ "
  • Item 2
  • "+ "
  • Item 3
  • " ); $("#list1 li").draggable({ cancel: "button", // these elements won't initiate dragging revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); }


      function addElements() { $("#list1").empty().append( "
  • Item 1
  • "+ "
  • Item 2
  • "+ "
  • Item 3
  • " ); // there's the gallery and the trash var $gallery = $( "#list1" ); $( "li", $gallery ).draggable({ cancel: "button", // these elements won't initiate dragging revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); }

    你只需要在你的“addElement()”中推送你的“.draggable()”方法。 对此,您可以在您在图库中附加的每个列表上附加dragragble函数。

    检查这个小提琴是否有修正。 http://jsfiddle.net/XUFUQ/7/


     $(document).ready(function () { addElements(); var $gallery = $("#list1"), $trash = $("#list2"); $("li", $gallery).draggable({ cancel: "button", revert: "invalid", containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); $trash.droppable({ accept: "#list1 > li", drop: function (event, ui) { $("#list2").append(ui.draggable); addElements(); } }); }); function addElements() { $("#list1").empty().append( "
  • Item 1
  • " + "
  • Item 2
  • " + "
  • Item 3
  • "); $("#list1 > li").draggable({ cancel: "button", // these elements won't initiate dragging revert: "invalid", // when not dropped, the item will revert back to its initial position containment: "document", helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); $("#list2").droppable({ accept: "#list1 > li", drop: function (event, ui) { $("#list2").append(ui.draggable); addElements(); } }); }