
当我将一个元素拖到我有鼠标hover事件的另一个div上时,该事件不会触发。 但是,如果我将鼠标hover在它上面而不拖动它就可以了。





只需跟踪鼠标位置并检查它是否位于可放置对象的任何边界框内。 因此,如果mouseup事件在其中任何一个上触发,则删除拖动的对象。


代码使用jQuery但没有jQueryUI。 我测试过Chrome,Firefox和Opera,但不是IE 🙂




Drag orange boxes to grey ones


 .droppable { width:50px; height:50px; float: left; background-color: #DDD; margin: 5px; } .draggable { width:40px; height:40px; float: right; background-color: #FC0; margin: 5px; cursor: pointer; } .dropped { background-color: #FC0; } .somethingover { background-color: #FCD; } 


 var dragged, mousex, mousey, coordinates = []; var continueDragging = function(e) { // Change the location of the draggable object dragged.css({ "left": e.pageX - (dragged.width() / 2), "top": e.pageY - (dragged.height() / 2) }); // Check if we hit any boxes for (var i in coordinates) { if (mousex >= coordinates[i].left && mousex <= coordinates[i].right) { if (mousey >= coordinates[i].top && mousey <= coordinates[i].bottom) { // Yes, the mouse is on a droppable area // Lets change the background color coordinates[i].dom.addClass("somethingover"); } } else { // Nope, we did not hit any objects yet coordinates[i].dom.removeClass("somethingover"); } } // Keep the last positions of the mouse coord.s mousex = e.pageX; mousey = e.pageY; } var endDragging = function(e) { // Remove document event listeners $(document).unbind("mousemove", continueDragging); $(document).unbind("mouseup", endDragging); // Check if we hit any boxes for (var i in coordinates) { if (mousex >= coordinates[i].left && mousex <= coordinates[i].right) { if (mousey >= coordinates[i].top && mousey <= coordinates[i].bottom) { // Yes, the mouse is on a droppable area droptarget = coordinates[i].dom; droptarget.removeClass("somethingover").addClass("dropped"); dragged.hide("fast", function() { $(this).remove(); }); } } } // Reset variables mousex = 0; mousey = 0; dragged = null; coordinates = []; } var startDragging = function(e) { // Find coordinates of the droppable bounding boxes $(".droppable").each(function() { var lefttop = $(this).offset(); // and save them in a container for later access coordinates.push({ dom: $(this), left: lefttop.left, top: lefttop.top, right: lefttop.left + $(this).width(), bottom: lefttop.top + $(this).height() }); }); // When the mouse down event is received if (e.type == "mousedown") { dragged = $(this); // Change the position of the draggable dragged.css({ "left": e.pageX - (dragged.width() / 2), "top": e.pageY - (dragged.height() / 2), "position": "absolute" }); // Bind the events for dragging and stopping $(document).bind("mousemove", continueDragging); $(document).bind("mouseup", endDragging); } } // Start the dragging $(".draggable").bind("mousedown", startDragging); 

在所有提出的答案中,我没有看到最简单明了的答案(也许我在OP问题中遗漏了一些东西)。 但是,如果有人偶然发现这个问题,需要在纯JS中快速简单地解决问题。

您可以通过更改元素className ondragover并更改回原始类ondragleave来实现

 my_element.ondragover = function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.className = 'myElem_dragover'; } my_element.ondragleave = function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.className = 'myElem_orig'; } 


 .myElem_orig { //this is your initial class for element top: 30px; left: 20px; ..... background-color: blue; } .myElem_orig:hover { //this is hover state, just changing bg color background-color: red; } .myElem_dragover { //new class, needs all attributes from original class top: 30px; left: 20px; ........ background-color: red; //behaves the same like hover does } 



  1. 跟踪mousemove并对x / y坐标做出反应
  2. 具有比拖动容器更高的z-index的透明目标


请注意,某些浏览器(即)不会在透明元素上触发mouseover ,因此您必须通过设置透明的背景图像或将随机图像设置为背景并将其定位在元素外部来伪造它:

 element { background: url(/path/to/img) no-repeat -10000px 0; } 

jQuery-ui有一个droppable插件 。


请参阅Mottie对此问题的回答 (包括演示)

在jsfiddle示例中发现了一个小错误。 当你垂直离开掉落区域时,掉落区域仍然有’somethinghover’类。



 if (mousex >= coordinates[i].left && mousex <= coordinates[i].right) { if (mousey >= coordinates[i].top && mousey <= coordinates[i].bottom) { // Yes, the mouse is on a droppable area // Lets change the background color coordinates[i].dom.addClass("somethingover"); } } else { // Nope, we did not hit any objects yet coordinates[i].dom.removeClass("somethingover"); } 


 var dragged, mousex, mousey, coordinates = []; var continueDragging = function(e) { // Change the location of the draggable object dragged.css({ "left": e.pageX - (dragged.width() / 2), "top": e.pageY - (dragged.height() / 2) }); // Check if we hit any boxes for (var i = coordinates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mousex >= coordinates[i].left && mousex <= coordinates[i].right) { if (mousey >= coordinates[i].top && mousey <= coordinates[i].bottom) { // Yes, the mouse is on a droppable area // Lets change the background color $('.droppable').removeClass("somethingover"); coordinates[i].dom.addClass("somethingover"); break; } } else { // Nope, we did not hit any objects yet coordinates[i].dom.removeClass("somethingover"); } } // Keep the last positions of the mouse coord.s mousex = e.pageX; mousey = e.pageY; }; var endDragging = function(e) { // Remove document event listeners $(document).unbind("mousemove", continueDragging); $(document).unbind("mouseup", endDragging); // Check if we hit any boxes for (var i = coordinates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mousex >= coordinates[i].left && mousex <= coordinates[i].right) { if (mousey >= coordinates[i].top && mousey <= coordinates[i].bottom) { // Yes, the mouse is on a droppable area droptarget = coordinates[i].dom; droptarget.removeClass("somethingover").addClass("dropped"); dragged.hide("fast", function() { $(this).remove(); }); } } } // Reset variables mousex = 0; mousey = 0; dragged = null; coordinates = []; }; var startDragging = function(e) { // Find coordinates of the droppable bounding boxes $(".droppable").each(function() { var lefttop = $(this).offset(); // and save them in a container for later access coordinates.push({ dom: $(this), left: lefttop.left, top: lefttop.top, right: lefttop.left + $(this).width(), bottom: lefttop.top + $(this).height() }); }; // When the mouse down event is received if (e.type == "mousedown") { dragged = $(this); // Change the position of the draggable dragged.css({ "left": e.pageX - (dragged.width() / 2), "top": e.pageY - (dragged.height() / 2), "position": "absolute" }); // Bind the events for dragging and stopping $(document).bind("mousemove", continueDragging); $(document).bind("mouseup", endDragging); } // Start the dragging $(".draggable").bind("mousedown", startDragging);