jquery插件’uploadify’ – 从上传脚本返回响应的方法?


$(document).ready(function() { $('#sampleFile').uploadify({ 'uploader': 'include/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'add_list.php', 'scriptData': {'mode': 'upload'}, 'fileDataName': 'sampleFile', 'folder': '/work/avais/bizlists/lists', 'cancelImg': 'include/uploadify/cancel.png', 'queueID': 'sampleQueue' }); }); 

我可以在“add_list.php”文件中执行的AFAIK是通过将文件移动到最终目录来完成上传过程; 我不认为有什么办法可以像错误那样’回复’某些东西’吗?




 $('#sampleFile').uploadify({ 'uploader': 'include/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'add_list.php', 'scriptData': {'mode': 'upload'}, 'fileDataName': 'sampleFile', 'folder': '/work/avais/bizlists/lists', 'cancelImg': 'include/uploadify/cancel.png', 'queueID': 'sampleQueue' onComplete: function (event, queueID, fileObj, response, data) { // A function that triggers when a file upload has completed. The default // function removes the file queue item from the upload queue. The // default function will not trigger if the value of your custom // function returns false. // Parameters // event: The event object. // queueID: The unique identifier of the file that was completed. // fileObj: An object containing details about the file that was selected. // response: The data sent back from the server. // data: Details about the file queue. }, onError: function (event, queueID, fileObj, errorObj) { // A function that triggers when an error occurs during the upload process. // The default event handler attaches an error message to the queue item // returning the error and changes it's queue item container to red. // Parameters // event: The event object. // queueID: The unique identifier of the file that was errored. // fileObj: An object containing details about the file that was selected. // errorObj: An object containing details about the error returned. } }); 


有关更多详细信息, 请查看Uploadify文档


在add_list.php文件中回显的任何内容都将作为响应发送到onComplete函数。 所以你可以做到以下几点:

 $(document).ready(function() { $('#sampleFile').uploadify({ 'uploader': 'include/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'add_list.php', 'scriptData': {'mode': 'upload'}, 'fileDataName': 'sampleFile', 'folder': '/work/avais/bizlists/lists', 'cancelImg': 'include/uploadify/cancel.png', 'queueID': 'sampleQueue', 'onComplete' : function(event,ID,fileObj,response,data) { alert(response); } }); }); 


 $(document).ready(function() { $('#sampleFile').uploadify({ 'uploader': 'include/uploadify/uploadify.swf', 'script': 'add_list.php', 'scriptData': {'mode': 'upload'}, 'fileDataName': 'sampleFile', 'folder': '/work/avais/bizlists/lists', 'cancelImg': 'include/uploadify/cancel.png', 'queueID': 'sampleQueue', 'onComplete' : function(event,ID,fileObj,response,data) { alert(fileObj.name); } }); }); 

任何可能在将来遇到这种情况的人。 我花了一点时间弄清楚如何从服务器传回我自己的数据。

本文中当前版本的uploadify是3.2,您可能正在寻找onUploadSuccess事件: http ://www.uploadify.com/documentation/uploadify/onuploadsuccess/
