如何使用Jquery Datatables Ellipsis渲染器进行模板字段链接按钮?








function pageLoad() { var table = $('#gvTest ').DataTable({ select: true, pageLength: 15, lengthChange: false, scrollY: "400px", scrollX: true, scrollCollapse: false, order: [15], fixedColumns: true, columnDefs: [ { targets: 0, render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(7, true) }, { targets: 1, render: $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(10, true) }, ], fixedColumns: { leftColumns: 1, } }); $('#BtnReport').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var suid = ids; var usr = document.getElementById("lblUser").innerText; var url2 = "/report/FinalizedReport.aspx?UID=" + suid + "&" + "user=" + usr; window.open(url2, '_blank'); return false; }); $('#btnAssign').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var suid = ids; var usr = document.getElementById("lblUser").innerText; var url2 = "/PatientAssignment/PatientAssignPage.aspx?UID=" + suid + "&" + "user=" + usr; window.location.assign(url2); return false; }); $('#btnAttach').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var arun = ids; if (arun) { var width = 700; var height = 350; var left = (screen.width - width) / 2; var top = (screen.height - height) / 2; var params = 'width=' + width + ', height=' + height; params += ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left; params += ', directories=no'; params += ', location=no'; params += ', menubar=no'; params += ', resizable=no'; params += ', scrollbars=no'; params += ', status=no'; params += ', toolbar=no'; var strWindowFeatures = params; var URL = "/Attachment/PatientAttachmentPage.aspx?"; var usr = document.getElementById("lblUser").innerText; URL = URL + "pattUID=" + arun + "&" + "user=" + usr; +"&" + "url=" + location.href; var win = window.open(URL, "_blank", strWindowFeatures); } else { var a = "Select Patient"; alert(a); } return false; }); $('#btnHistory').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var arun = ids; if (arun) { var width = 700; var height = 350; var left = (screen.width - width) / 2; var top = (screen.height - height) / 2; var params = 'width=' + width + ', height=' + height; params += ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left; params += ', directories=no'; params += ', location=no'; params += ', menubar=no'; params += ', resizable=no'; params += ', scrollbars=no'; params += ', status=no'; params += ', toolbar=no'; var strWindowFeatures = params; var URL = "/History/WriteHistory.aspx?"; var usr = document.getElementById("lblUser").innerText; URL = URL + "pattUID=" + arun + "&" + "user=" + usr; +"&" + "url=" + location.href; var win = window.open(URL, "_blank", strWindowFeatures); } else { var a = "Select Patient"; alert(a); } return false; }); $('#btnEmergency').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var suid = ids; if (suid) { document.getElementById("pattUID").value = suid; $('#hdnEM').trigger('click'); return false; } else { var a = "Select Patient"; alert(a); } return false; }); $('#btnRemoveEm').click(function () { var ids = $.map(table.rows('.selected').data(), function (item) { return item[14]; }); var suid = ids; if (suid) { document.getElementById("pattUID").value = suid; $('#hdnREM').trigger('click'); return false; } else { var a = "Select Patient"; alert(a); } return false; }); $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis = function ( cutoff, wordbreak, escapeHtml ) { var esc = function ( t ) { return t .replace( /&/g, '&' ) .replace( //g, '>' ) .replace( /"/g, '"' ); }; return function ( d, type, row ) { // Order, search and type get the original data if ( type !== 'display' ) { return d; } if ( typeof d !== 'number' && typeof d !== 'string' ) { return d; } d = d.toString(); // cast numbers if ( d.length < cutoff ) { return d; } var shortened = d.substr(0, cutoff-1); // Find the last white space character in the string if ( wordbreak ) { shortened = shortened.replace(/\s([^\s]*)$/, ''); } // Protect against uncontrolled HTML input if ( escapeHtml ) { shortened = esc( shortened ); } return ''+shortened+'…'; }; }; } 


       <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkVwr" Text='' OnClientClick = "return imgViewer(this)" runat="server" ></asp:LinkButton     

如何在链接按钮字段中使用此function? 有没有办法做到这一点?







 .fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis = function ( cutoff, wordbreak, escapeHtml ) 


我做了以下代码片段。 它检查字符串中是否存在href ,如果有,则跳过字符串的修剪。