
我有一种情况,我将blobURL转换为base64 dataURLs,但我想只在url是blobURL时才这样做。

那么有什么方法可以检查它是否是有效的blob url?

我的bloburl – blob:

你正面临一个xy问题 。




遗憾的是,使用Web API没有正式的方法,但是自己创建并不难:


 (() => { // overrides URL methods to be able to retrieve the original blobs later on const old_create = URL.createObjectURL; const old_revoke = URL.revokeObjectURL; Object.defineProperty(URL, 'createObjectURL', { get: () => storeAndCreate }); Object.defineProperty(URL, 'revokeObjectURL', { get: () => forgetAndRevoke }); Object.defineProperty(URL, 'getBlobFromObjectURL', { get: () => getBlob }); const dict = {}; function storeAndCreate(blob) { var url = old_create(blob); // let it throw if it has to dict[url] = blob; return url } function forgetAndRevoke(url) { old_revoke(url); // some checks just because it's what the question titel asks for, and well to avoid deleting bad things try { if(new URL(url).protocol === 'blob:') delete dict[url]; }catch(e){} // avoided deleting some bad thing ;) } function getBlob(url) { return dict[url]; } })(); // a few example uses const blob = new Blob(['foo bar']); // first normal use everyhting is alive const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const retrieved = URL.getBlobFromObjectURL(url); console.log('retrieved: ', retrieved); console.log('is same object: ', retrieved === blob); // a revoked URL, of no use anymore const revoked = URL.createObjectURL(blob); URL.revokeObjectURL(revoked); console.log('revoked: ', URL.getBlobFromObjectURL(revoked)); // an https:// URL console.log('https: ', URL.getBlobFromObjectURL(location.href)); 


  var url = 'blob:'; if(url.search('blob:') == -1){ //do something } 

你也可以使用基于reg-expression的检查和url.match('url expression')