
我在这里发现了以下JQuery函数,它阻止用户输入任何不是数字或单个小数的内容。 该function运行良好但我想改进它以防止用户输入3个或更多小数位,即禁止99.999并允许99.99。 有任何想法吗?

function checkForInvalidCharacters(event, inputBox){ if ((event.which != 46 || inputBox.val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which  57)) { event.preventDefault(); } }; 


  1. 用户是否输入了小数点?
  2. 小数位数是否超过两位?

对于第一个,您可以使用$(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1

对于第二个,您可以使用$(this).val().substring($(this).val().indexOf('.'), $(this).val().indexOf('.').length).length > 2

此外,你必须添加event.which != 0 && event.which != 8以便箭头键和退格键在Firefox中工作(Manoj评论)

此外,您必须添加$(this)[0].selectionStart >= text.length - 2以便在光标位于小数点左侧时可以添加数字(BIdesi注释)

此外,您必须检查用户是否已删除. 并将其放在其他地方,在小数点后创建一个超过2位数的值。 所以你必须添加$this.val($this.val().substring(0, $this.val().indexOf('.') + 3)); 削减额外数字(GilbertoSánchez评论)

要处理粘贴的数据,您必须绑定粘贴事件处理程序。然后您必须检查粘贴的数据是否具有. with text.indexOf('.') > -1和带有text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 3的十进制后的2位数以上text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 3 。 如果是这样,你必须削减额外的数字。 此外,您还必须检查用户是否使用$.isNumeric()输入了数字输入(darasd注释)。


 $('.number').keypress(function(event) { var $this = $(this); if ((event.which != 46 || $this.val().indexOf('.') != -1) && ((event.which < 48 || event.which > 57) && (event.which != 0 && event.which != 8))) { event.preventDefault(); } var text = $(this).val(); if ((event.which == 46) && (text.indexOf('.') == -1)) { setTimeout(function() { if ($this.val().substring($this.val().indexOf('.')).length > 3) { $this.val($this.val().substring(0, $this.val().indexOf('.') + 3)); } }, 1); } if ((text.indexOf('.') != -1) && (text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 2) && (event.which != 0 && event.which != 8) && ($(this)[0].selectionStart >= text.length - 2)) { event.preventDefault(); } }); $('.number').bind("paste", function(e) { var text = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('Text'); if ($.isNumeric(text)) { if ((text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 3) && (text.indexOf('.') > -1)) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).val(text.substring(0, text.indexOf('.') + 3)); } } else { e.preventDefault(); } }); 
 .number { padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 16px; } 


  1. 它将允许负数
  2. 当右侧已有2位数时,它允许您编辑小数点左侧
  3. 它允许您在Firefox中使用箭头键和退格键
  4. 它还处理粘贴的数据
 /** * Given an input field, this function will only allow numbers with up to two decimal places to be input. * @param {object} element * @return {number} */ function forceNumber(element) { element .data("oldValue", '') .bind("paste", function(e) { var validNumber = /^[-]?\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/; element.data('oldValue', element.val()) setTimeout(function() { if (!validNumber.test(element.val())) element.val(element.data('oldValue')); }, 0); }); element .keypress(function(event) { var text = $(this).val(); if ((event.which != 46 || text.indexOf('.') != -1) && //if the keypress is not a . or there is already a decimal point ((event.which < 48 || event.which > 57) && //and you try to enter something that isn't a number (event.which != 45 || (element[0].selectionStart != 0 || text.indexOf('-') != -1)) && //and the keypress is not a -, or the cursor is not at the beginning, or there is already a - (event.which != 0 && event.which != 8))) { //and the keypress is not a backspace or arrow key (in FF) event.preventDefault(); //cancel the keypress } if ((text.indexOf('.') != -1) && (text.substring(text.indexOf('.')).length > 2) && //if there is a decimal point, and there are more than two digits after the decimal point ((element[0].selectionStart - element[0].selectionEnd) == 0) && //and no part of the input is selected (element[0].selectionStart >= element.val().length - 2) && //and the cursor is to the right of the decimal point (event.which != 45 || (element[0].selectionStart != 0 || text.indexOf('-') != -1)) && //and the keypress is not a -, or the cursor is not at the beginning, or there is already a - (event.which != 0 && event.which != 8)) { //and the keypress is not a backspace or arrow key (in FF) event.preventDefault(); //cancel the keypress } }); } forceNumber($("#myInput")); 


  $('.class').on('input', function () { this.value = this.value.match(/^\d+\.?\d{0,2}/); }); 


谢谢! 我添加了删除数字的可能性和’。’ 曾经输入:

event.keyCode !== 8退格执行该操作。

event.keyCode !== 46执行删除操作

 $( document ).ready(function() { $('#Ds_Merchant_Amount').keypress(function(event) { if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57) ) { if (event.keyCode !== 8 && event.keyCode !== 46 ){ //exception event.preventDefault(); } } if(($(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && ($(this).val().substring($(this).val().indexOf('.'),$(this).val().indexOf('.').length).length>2 )){ if (event.keyCode !== 8 && event.keyCode !== 46 ){ //exception event.preventDefault(); } } }); }); 

我已更新此例程以允许标准编辑function,因为上述代码中已禁止这些function。 (此例程仅用于处理浮点数,但可以调整为仅允许小数点后的2位数)

 var value = $(this).val().toString(); // Allowed Keys if (event.which === 8 || event.which === 46 // Character delete || event.which === 16 || event.which === 17 // Modifier Key || event.which === 37 || event.which === 39 // Arrow Keys || (event.key.toLowerCase() === "a" && event.ctrlKey) // Select All || (event.key.toLowerCase() === "c" && event.ctrlKey) // Copy || (event.key.toLowerCase() === "x" && event.ctrlKey) // Cut || (event.key.toLowerCase() === "v" && event.ctrlKey) // Paste || (event.which === 45 && event.ctrlKey) // Old school copy (CTRL + INSERT) || (event.which === 46 && event.shiftKey) // Old school cut (SHIFT + DELETE) || (event.which === 45 && event.shiftKey) // Old school paste (SHIFT + INSERT) || (event.which === 35) // END || (event.which === 36) // HOME || (event.which === 35 && event.shiftKey) // SHIFT + END || (event.which === 36 && event.shiftKey) // SHIFT + HOME ) { return; } else if (event.which === 190) // Process decimal point { if (value == "" || value.indexOf(".") > -1) { event.preventDefault(); } } else if (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57 || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey) // Reject anything else that isn't a number { event.preventDefault(); } 





 function isPrice(evt,value) { var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode; if((value.indexOf('.')!=-1) && (charCode != 45 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))) return false; else if(charCode != 45 && (charCode != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } 

Worked Link 演示

数字值使用小数点最多2位小数点validation。 依赖jQuery


Numeric values only allowed (With Decimal Point)

JQuery代码 –


  $(".allownumericwithdecimal").on("keypress keyup blur", function (event) { var patt = new RegExp(/[0-9]*[.]{1}[0-9]{2}/i); var matchedString = $(this).val().match(patt); if (matchedString) { $(this).val(matchedString); } if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) { event.preventDefault(); } }); 

方法2 –

  $(".allownumericwithdecimal").on("keypress keyup blur", function (event) { var patt = new RegExp(/(?<=\.\d\d).+/i); $(this).val($(this).val().replace(patt, '')); if ((event.which != 46 || $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) && (event.which < 48 || event.which > 57)) { event.preventDefault(); } });