如何让slickgrid div根据表的大小resize




  • adding basic keyboard navigation and editing
  • custom editors and validators
  • auto-edit settings


<!-- --> function requiredFieldValidator(value) { if (value == null || value == undefined || !value.length) { return {valid: false, msg: "This is a required field"}; } else { return {valid: true, msg: null}; } } var grid; var data = []; var columns = [ {id: "id", name: "Id", field: "id", width: 20, minWidth: 20, maxWidth:20, cssClass: "cell-title", editor: Slick.Editors.Text, validator: requiredFieldValidator, sortable: true}, {id: "date", name: "Date", field: "date", minWidth: 80, editor: Slick.Editors.Date, sortable: true}, {id: "venue", name: "Venue", field: "venue", width: 120, minWidth:120, editor: Slick.Editors.Text, sortable: true}, {id: "event", name: "Event", field: "event", width: 180, minWidth:180, editor: Slick.Editors.Text, sortable: true}, {id: "description", name: "Additional", field: "desc", width: 180, minWidth:180, editor: Slick.Editors.Text, sortable: true}, {id: "visible", name: "Visible", field: "visible", width: 20, minWidth: 20, cssClass: "cell-effort-driven", formatter: Slick.Formatters.Checkmark, editor: Slick.Editors.Checkbox, sortable: true} ]; var options = { editable: true, enableAddRow: true, enableCellNavigation: true, asyncEditorLoading: false, autoEdit: true, multiColumnSort: true }; $(function () { for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var d = (data[i] = {}); d["id"] = i; d["date"] = "06/31/2012"; d["venue"] = "Sample Venue"; d["event"] = "Sample Event"; d["desc"] = "$45 Door"; d["visible"] = (i % 5 == 0); } grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", data, columns, options); grid.setSelectionModel(new Slick.CellSelectionModel()); grid.onAddNewRow.subscribe(function (e, args) { var item = args.item; grid.invalidateRow(data.length); data.push(item); grid.updateRowCount(); grid.render(); }); grid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) { var cols = args.sortCols; data.sort(function (dataRow1, dataRow2) { for (var i = 0, l = cols.length; i value2 ? 1 : -1)) * sign; if (result != 0) { return result; } } return 0; }); grid.invalidate(); grid.render(); }); })

我想要的是我的slickGrid收集数据,然后div自动resize以包含更新的网格。 目前似乎必须静态设置div大小? 如果我没有为div "myGrid"的高度设置值,它只是将它的高度设置为0.我希望div随着它加载的网格的大小而扩展。

gitHub上的slickgrid文档( https://github.com/mleibman/SlickGrid/wiki/_pages )非常有限(公平地说,作者承认这一点)。 我也在谷歌这个话题上遇到了很多麻烦。

我知道它是特定于软件的,但我真的希望我们有一些slickGrid Guru,因为这个工具看起来很神奇!


  options = { ... autoHeight: true }; 




 dataView.onPagingInfoChanged.subscribe(function (e, pagingInfo) { //...... ///****************************************************** var divSize = 2 + (options.rowHeight * (pagingInfo.pageSize +1)); $("#myGrid").css( 'height' , divSize+'px' ) grid.resizeCanvas() ///******************************************************* }); 

有点懒,我把2 px添加到高度以确保VScrollbar没有出现,但我相信你可以找出更令人愉悦的东西。

不幸的是,autoHeight和分页不能一起使用。 如果要使用分页,可以按如下方式自动调整表的高度(确保在渲染数据之前执行此操作):

 // Determine the total width of the grid div element var gridWidth = 0; for( i in columns ) { if( columns[i].width != null && columns[i].width != 0 ) { // Use the specified width gridWidth += columns[i].width; } else { // If the column width is not specified, or is zero, try to use the default column width if( columns[i].defaultColumnWidth == null ) // If default also does not exist gridWidth += 80; // Pick an arbitrary default width (could replace with CSS property) else gridWidth += columns[i].defaultColumnWidth; } } // Calculate the height of the Div by adding the values of the header row height and the row height * # rows var rowH = (options.rowHeight != null ? options.rowHeight : 25); // If no rowHeight is specified, use the default size 25 (could be set by CSS) var headerH = 0; // First, determine whether to account for the header row if( options.showHeaderRow == null || options.showHeaderRow == true ) { // If so, use specified height, or default height if( options.headerRowHeight == null ) headerH = 25; else headerH = options.headerRowHeight; } // Set the table size var divSize = (json.length * rowH) + headerH + 1; $j("#myGrid").css( 'height' , divSize+'px' ) .css( 'width' , gridWidth+'px' );