如何使用Kendo UI Grid的SetDataSource方法

有没有人能够使用kendo UI网格的setdatasource方法? 我相信这用于分配可以在稍后阶段分配给网格的数据源,也用于网格刷新目的。 但是我找不到任何适当的文档来解释如何使用这种方法并制作可刷新的网格。

我试图通过远程ajax调用更新我的数据源。 我还假设通过将autosync属性设置为true来更新源时应该自动刷新。 每次我点击日历控件我都会将日期值传递给GetRemoteData函数,以便通过ajax请求更新数据。

目前这不起作用。 有什么解决方案的任何线索?


$('#calendarContainer').kendoCalendar({ format: "dd/MM/yyyy", culture: "en-GB", change: onDateChange }); function onDateChange() { var selectedDate = kendo.toString(this.value(), 'dd/MM/yyyy'); GetRemoteData(selectedDate); /* $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.data(bob); $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.read(); */ } $('#grid').kendoGrid({ dataSource:GetRemoteData(date), scrollable: { virtual: true }, navigatable: true, groupable: true, sortable: true, selectable: "row", pageable: true, pageable: { input: true, numeric: false }, resizable: true, reorderable: true, filterable: { extra: false }, columns: [ { field: "DealNumber", width: 150, title: "DealNumber", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } }, }, { field: "DealIssuer", width: 150, title: "Issuer", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } } }, { field: "Ticker", width: 150, title: "Ticker", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } } }, { field: "DealType", width: 150, title: "Type", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } } }, { field: "DealValue", width: 150, title: "Value", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } } }, { field: "DealStatus", width: 150, title: "Status", filterable: { operators: { string: { startswith: "Starts With", contains: "Contains" } } } }, { field: "DealPricingCompletionDate", width: 230, title: "DealPricingCompletionDate", format: "{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", // template: '#= kendo.toString(StartDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") #', filterable: { ui: "datetimepicker", operators: { date: { gt: "After", lt: "Before", eq: "Equals" }, messages: { filter: "Apply", clear: "Clear" } } } }, { command: { text: "View Details", click: showDetails }, title: " ", width: "140px" }, ], editable: "popup", height: 600 }).data("kendoGrid"); function GetRemoteData(date) { var chosenDate; if (typeof date == "undefined") { chosenDate = "12-12-2013"; } else { chosenDate = date; } var source = new kendo.data.DataSource({ autoSync: true, transport: { read: { type: "GET", url: "http://localhost:35798/RestServiceImpl.svc/GetDealData", dataType: "jsonp", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", cache: false, }, parameterMap: function (data, type) { var data = { startDate: chosenDate } return data; } }, schema: { model: { fields: { DealNumber: { type: "string" }, DealIssuer: { type: "string" }, Ticker: { type: "string" }, DealType: { type: "string" }, DealValue: { type: "number" }, DealStatus: { type: "string" }, DealPricingCompletionDate: { type: "date" } } } }, pageSize: 16 }); source.fetch(function () { var data = this.data(); }); return source; } 

你都尝试了些什么? 这是非常基本的。


 var ddl = $('#testDropDown').data("kendoDropDownList"); var otherDropDownList= $('#otherDropDown').data("kendoDropDownList"); var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource(); ds.data(otherDropDownList.dataSource.data()); // set new DataSource to otherDropDown's data source then filter it ds.filter( { field: "Id", operator: "eq", value: parseInt(id) } ) ddl.setDataSource(ds); 



 var ds = new kendo.data.DataSource(); var grid = $('#grid').data("kendoGrid"); grid.setDataSource(ds); // sets to a blank dataSource 


 var gridDataSource = $('#grid').data("kendoGrid").dataSource; var secondGrid = $('#secondGrid').data("kendoGrid"); secondGrid.setDataSource(gridDataSource); 


  var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({ data: "your object returned by ajax" }); $('#GridKatildigiKurslar').data('kendoGrid').setDataSource(dataSource); 
