使用Javascript / jQuery动态填充下拉列表

在ASP .NET MVC Razor视图中,我有一个下拉列表,如下所示:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedDeviceModel, Model.DeviceModelList) 


如何根据客户端操作(如按钮单击或使用Javascript / jQuery / Ajax的其他下拉选项)动态填充DeviceModelList?


 @model MyViewModel @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SelectedDeviceModel, Model.DeviceModelList) 


 @model MyViewModel ... 
@Html.Partial("Foo", Model)


 public ActionResult Foo(string someValue) { MyViewModel model = ... go ahead and fill your view model return PartialView(model); } 

现在最后一部分是在发生某些事件时发送AJAX请求以刷新下拉列表。 例如,当某些其他ddl的值发生更改时(或其他内容,按钮单击或其他内容):

 $(function() { $('#SomeOtherDdlId').change(function() { // when the selection of some other drop down changes // get the new value var value = $(this).val(); // and send it as AJAX request to the newly created action $.ajax({ url: '@Url.Action("foo")', type: 'POST', data: { someValue: value }, success: function(result) { // when the AJAX succeeds refresh the ddl container with // the partial HTML returned by the Foo controller action $('#ddlcontainer').html(result); } }); }); }); 

另一种可能性是使用JSON。 您的Foo控制器操作只会返回一些包含新键/值集合的Json对象,并且在AJAX请求的成功回调中,您将刷新下拉列表。 在这种情况下,您无需将其外部化为单独的部分。 例如:

 $(function() { $('#SomeOtherDdlId').change(function() { // when the selection of some other drop down changes // get the new value var value = $(this).val(); // and send it as AJAX request to the newly created action $.ajax({ url: '@Url.Action("foo")', type: 'POST', data: { someValue: value }, success: function(result) { // when the AJAX succeeds refresh the dropdown list with // the JSON values returned from the controller action var selectedDeviceModel = $('#SelectedDeviceModel'); selectedDeviceModel.empty(); $.each(result, function(index, item) { selectedDeviceModel.append( $('', { value: item.value, text: item.text }) ); }); } }); }); }); 


 public ActionResult Foo(string someValue) { return Json(new[] { new { value = '1', text = 'text 1' }, new { value = '2', text = 'text 2' }, new { value = '3', text = 'text 3' } }); } 

对于类似的示例,您可以查看以下答案 。