


让我们说新视图是PageView …


define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'models/search', 'text!templates/search.html', ], function($, _, Backbone, SearchM, SearchT){ var Search = Backbone.View.extend({ model: SearchM, el: $("#Sirius"), events: { 'submit #searchMusic': 'search' }, search: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //create new instance of the model searchM = new SearchM(); //post instance to the server with the following input fields searchM.save({ channel: this.$('#channel').val(), week: this.$('#week').val(), year: this.$('#year').val(), filter: this.$('#filter').val() },{success: storeMusic}); // on success store music on client-side localStorage function storeMusic (model, response, options) { console.log('store'); //create new instance of the localStorage with the key name searchM.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music"); clearLocalStorage(); saveToLocalStorage(response); }; function clearLocalStorage () { console.log('clear'); //removes the items of the localStorage this.localStorage.clear(); //pops out the first key in the records searchM.localStorage.records.shift(); }; function saveToLocalStorage (response) { console.log('save'); searchM.save({music: response}, {success: nextPage}); }; function nextPage () { console.log('entered next page'); searchM.set('display', true); }; }, render: function () { } }); return Search; }); 


 define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'backbone', 'views/search', 'text!templates/search.html' ], function($, _, Backbone, SearchV, SearchT){ var Container = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("#Sirius"), render: function () { var search = new SearchV(); this.$el.html( SearchT ); this.listenTo(searchM, 'change:display', console.log('changed MODEL')); } }); return Container; }); 


 define([ 'underscore', 'backbone' ], function(_, Backbone) { var Search = Backbone.Model.extend({ url: '/music', defaults: { display: false } }); return Search; }); 



 var Container = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("#Sirius"), render: function () { //Model CREATED searchM = new SearchM(); //VIEW Created var search = new SearchV(); this.$el.html( SearchT ); } }); return Container; }); 

这是搜索视图 – 所以我从这里取出模型,但是调用this或this.model实际上不起作用,因为没有定义searchM并且模型似乎没有传入…我只添加了两个方法所以暂时忽略其余的,如果我可以做这些工作,那么一切都可以效仿

 var Search = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("#Sirius"), events: { 'submit #searchMusic': 'search' }, search: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //post instance to the server with the following input fields searchM.save({ channel: this.$('#channel').val(), week: this.$('#week').val(), year: this.$('#year').val(), filter: this.$('#filter').val() },{success: storeMusic()}); function nextPage () { console.log('entered next page'); searchM.set('display', true); this.listenTo(searchM, 'change:display', console.log('changed MODEL')); console.log(searchM.display); }; 




至于视图更改,我建议将“显示”或“已加载”变量添加到模型中,默认情况下为false,并在数据准备好时设置为true。 然后,让视图侦听’change:display’事件,在准备好时触发render()方法。 您可以在知道数据已更改后立即删除旧视图,并将其替换为某个加载微调器,然后将由新数据视图替换。 希望这有帮助。


 var Container = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("#Sirius"), render: function () { //Model CREATED searchM = new SearchM(); //VIEW Created var search = new SearchV({model: searchM}); this.$el.html( SearchT ); } }); var Search = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $("#Sirius"), events: { 'submit #searchMusic': 'search' }, initialize: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:display', this.displayChanged); }, displayChanged: function () { console.log('display changed'); }, search: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //post instance to the server with the following input fields searchM.save({ channel: this.$('#channel').val(), week: this.$('#week').val(), year: this.$('#year').val(), filter: this.$('#filter').val() },{success: storeMusic()}); }, nextPage: function () { console.log('entered next page'); searchM.set('display', true); console.log(searchM.display); }, 


 function listStore (model, response, options) { searchM.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music"); searchM.localStorage._clear(); searchM.save({music: response}, {success: console.log('success') }); 


 var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "search/:query": "search", // #search/kiwis "page": "page" // #page }, page: function() { new PageView(); //etc... }, search: function(query) { ... } }); //this line is required to tell Backbone that your routes are ready Backbone.history.start(); 


 function listStore (model, response, options) { //check to see if the LS exists, and clear it if so if(searchM.localStorage){ searchM.localStorage._clear(); } searchM.localStorage = new Backbone.LocalStorage("music"); searchM.save({music: response}, {success: console.log('success'); searchM.on('sync', function(){ MyRouter.navigate("page", {trigger: true}); }); });