我们如何使用Jquery tagit获取所选标签的ID?


  show ID here jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var availableTags = [{"id":"144","label":"Allicelabel","value":"Allice value"}]; jQuery("input#field1").each(function(){ var target = jQuery(this); var currenttags = target.val(); target.hide() .after("
  • "+currenttags+"
"); var instance = target.next(); instance.tagit({ tagSource:availableTags, tagsChanged:function () { var tags = instance.tagit('tags'); var tagString = []; for (var i in tags){ tagString.push(tags[i].value); } $("#show").html(tagString.join(',')); }, sortable:true, triggerKeys: ['enter', 'comma', 'tab'] }); });


这里使用jQuery Tagit(演示页面)的任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题

我有同样的问题,我做了什么修改tag-it.js。 当您调用函数select时,您需要通过函数_addTag发送ID

 self._addTag(ui.item.label, ui.item.value, ui.item.id); 


 _addTag: function(label, value, id) { ... this._addSelect(label, value, id); ... } 


 _addSelect: function(label, value, id) { var opt = $(' 


我有同样的问题,但不想改变插件的默认行为。 所以,相反,我使用提供的钩子来添加新的行为。

 var availableTags = [ { label: "myTag", value: "myTag", id: 1 }, //etc... ]; var assignedTags = []; $('#singleinputfield').tagit( { tagSource: function (request, response) { //setup the search to search the label var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i"); response($.grep(availableTags, function (value) { return matcher.test(value.label); })); }, beforeTagAdded: function(event, ui){ //get id for that tag and signal if it was in the tagSource list var id, result = false; $.each(availableTags, function(){ if(ui.tagLabel === this.label){ result = true; id=this.id; return false; } }); if(result){ //put id in the list of ids we are using assignedTags.push(id); } return result; }, afterTagAdded: function(event, ui){ //replace the values in the single input field with the assigned ids $('#singleinputfield').val(assignedTags.join(',')); }, afterTagRemoved: function(event, ui){ $('#singleinputfield').val(assignedTags.join(',')); }, beforeTagRemoved: function(event, ui){ var id; //get the id for the removed tag and signal if it was in the tagSource list $.each(availableTags, function(){ if(ui.tagLabel === this.label){ result = true; id = this.id; return false; } }); if(result){ //remove the unassigned tag's id from our list assignedTags = $.grep(assignedTags, function(el){ return el != id; }); } } }); 

使用其他一些插件,如Select2。 它实际上得到了支持。