

TError = record code: Word; message: String; end; TState = record caption: String; address: Cardinal; counters: TArray; errors: TArray; end; 

序列化表单数据字符串( Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded )之类的

 caption=Foo& address=175896& counters[]=2& counters[]=2& errors[0][code]=52& errors[0][message]=ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE 





要使用它,请调用方法Serialize('state', TValue.From(state),sList); 来自TSerializer实例。

您可以添加适合TValue大多数类型,包括记录,静态数组,动态数组和简单类。 所有元素的展开都是通过递归来完成的。 (免责声明,这是在XE2上测试的,但我认为Delphi-2010支持此处使用的所有增强型RTTI调用)


 record state:TState caption:string=Foo address:Cardinal=175896 dynamic array counters:Word counters[0]:Word=2 counters[1]:Word=2 end dynamic array errors:TError record errors[0]:TError code:Word=52 message:string=ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE end end end 


 unit SerializerBoilerplate; interface uses System.SysUtils, Classes, RTTI, TypInfo; Type TSerializer = record private FSumIndent: string; procedure IncIndent; procedure DecIndent; public procedure Serialize(const name: string; thing: TValue; sList: TStrings; first: boolean = true); end; implementation procedure TSerializer.IncIndent; begin FSumIndent := FSumIndent + ' '; end; procedure TSerializer.DecIndent; begin SetLength(FSumIndent, Length(FSumIndent) - 2); end; procedure TSerializer.Serialize(const name: string; thing: TValue; sList: TStrings; first: boolean); type PPByte = ^PByte; var LContext: TRTTIContext; LField: TRTTIField; LProperty: TRTTIProperty; LRecord: TRTTIRecordType; LClass: TRTTIInstanceType; LStaticArray: TRTTIArrayType; LDynArray: TRTTIDynamicArrayType; LDimType: TRttiOrdinalType; LArrayIx: array of integer; LArrayMinIx: array of integer; LArrayMaxIx: array of integer; LNewValue: TValue; i: integer; // Generic N-dimensional array indexing procedure IncIx(var ArrayIx, ArrayMinIx, ArrayMaxIx: array of integer); var dimIx: integer; begin dimIx := Length(ArrayIx) - 1; repeat if (ArrayIx[dimIx] < ArrayMaxIx[dimIx]) then begin Inc(ArrayIx[dimIx]); break; end else begin ArrayIx[dimIx] := ArrayMinIx[dimIx]; Dec(dimIx); if (dimIx < 0) then break; end; until (true = false); end; // Convert N-dimensional index to a string function IxToString(const ArrayIx: array of integer): string; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to High(ArrayIx) do Result := Result + '[' + IntToStr(ArrayIx[i]) + ']'; end; // Get correct reference function GetValue(Addr: Pointer; Typ: TRTTIType): TValue; begin TValue.Make(Addr, Typ.Handle, Result); end; begin if first then FSumIndent := ''; case thing.Kind of { - Number calls } tkInteger, // Identifies an ordinal type. tkInt64, // Identifies the Int64/UInt64 types. tkPointer: // Identifies a pointer type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + thing.ToString); end; tkEnumeration: begin if (thing.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(boolean)) then begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + BoolToStr(thing.AsBoolean)); end else begin // ToDO : Implement this end; end; // Identifies an enumeration type. tkSet: // Identifies a set type. begin // ToDO : Implement this end; { - Float calls } tkFloat: // Identifies a floating-point type. (plus Date,Time,DateTime) begin if (thing.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(TDate)) then begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + DateToStr(thing.AsExtended)); end else if (thing.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(TTime)) then begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + TimeToStr(thing.AsExtended)); end else if (thing.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(TDateTime)) then begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + DateTimeToStr(thing.AsExtended)); end else begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + FloatToStr(thing.AsExtended)); end; // ToDO : Handle currency end; { - String,character calls } tkChar, // Identifies a single-byte character. tkString, // Identifies a short string type. tkLString: // Identifies an AnsiString type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + thing.AsString); end; tkWString: // Identifies a WideString type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + thing.ToString); end; tkInterface: // Identifies an interface type. begin // ToDO : Implement this end; tkWChar, // Identifies a 2-byte (wide) character type. tkUString: // Identifies a UnicodeString type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name + '=' + thing.AsString); end; tkVariant: // Identifies a Variant type. begin // ToDO : Implement this end; { - Generates recursive calls } tkArray: // Identifies a static array type. begin LStaticArray := LContext.GetType(thing.TypeInfo) as TRTTIArrayType; SetLength(LArrayIx, LStaticArray.DimensionCount); SetLength(LArrayMinIx, LStaticArray.DimensionCount); SetLength(LArrayMaxIx, LStaticArray.DimensionCount); sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'static array ' + name + ':' + LStaticArray.ElementType.name); IncIndent(); for i := 0 to LStaticArray.DimensionCount - 1 do begin LDimType := LStaticArray.Dimensions[i] as TRttiOrdinalType; LArrayMinIx[i] := LDimType.MinValue; LArrayMaxIx[i] := LDimType.MaxValue; LArrayIx[i] := LDimType.MinValue; end; for i := 0 to LStaticArray.TotalElementCount - 1 do begin Serialize(Name + IxToString(LArrayIx), GetValue( PByte(thing.GetReferenceToRawData) + LStaticArray.ElementType.TypeSize * i, LStaticArray.ElementType), sList,false); IncIx(LArrayIx, LArrayMinIx, LArrayMaxIx); end; DecIndent(); sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'end'); end; tkDynArray: // Identifies a dynamic array type. begin LDynArray := LContext.GetType(thing.TypeInfo) as TRTTIDynamicArrayType; sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'dynamic array ' + name + ':' + LDynArray.ElementType.name); IncIndent(); for i := 0 to thing.GetArrayLength - 1 do begin Serialize(Name + '[' + IntToStr(i) + ']', GetValue( PPByte(thing.GetReferenceToRawData)^ + LDynArray.ElementType.TypeSize * i, LDynArray.ElementType), sList,false); end; DecIndent(); sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'end'); end; tkRecord: // Identifies a record type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'record ' + name +':' +thing.TypeInfo.name); LRecord := LContext.GetType(thing.TypeInfo).AsRecord; IncIndent(); for LField in LRecord.GetFields do begin Serialize(LField.name, LField.GetValue(thing.GetReferenceToRawData), sList, false); end; DecIndent(); sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'end'); end; tkClass: // Identifies a class type. begin sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'object ' + name + ':' + thing.TypeInfo.name); IncIndent(); LClass := LContext.GetType(thing.TypeInfo).AsInstance; for LField in LClass.GetFields do begin Serialize(LField.name, // A hack to get a reference to the object // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2802864/rtti-accessing-fields-and-properties-in-complex-data-structures GetValue(PPByte(thing.GetReferenceToRawData)^ + LField.Offset, LField.FieldType), sList,false); end; // ToDO : Implement a more complete class serializer DecIndent(); sList.Add(FSumIndent + 'end'); end; { - Not implemented } tkClassRef: ; // Identifies a metaclass type. tkMethod: ; // Identifies a class method type. tkProcedure: ; // Identifies a procedural type. tkUnknown: ; // Identifies an unknown type that has RTTI. end; end; end. 


 program SerializerProj; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses Classes, SysUtils, RTTI, SerializerBoilerplate; Type TMyObj = Class private fI: integer; fS: string; end; TInnerRec = record A, B, C: string; end; TDim1 = 1 .. 3; TDim2 = 2 .. 5; TMyArr = array [TDim1, TDim2] of integer; // Must be typed dimensions TTestRec = record s: string; ws: WideString; st: ShortString; ansiCh: AnsiChar; ansiS: AnsiString; wChar: Char; B: boolean; i: integer; t: TTime; d: TDate; dt: TDateTime; fd: Double; fS: Single; r: TInnerRec; arr: TMyArr; dArr: array of string; o: TMyObj; end; TError = record code: Word; message: String; end; TState = record caption: String; address: Cardinal; counters: TArray; errors: TArray; end; var tr: TTestRec; state: TState; sList: TStringList; s: string; Serializer: TSerializer; begin state.caption := 'Foo'; state.address := 175896; SetLength(state.counters,2); state.counters[0] := 2; state.counters[1] := 2; SetLength(state.errors,1); state.errors[0].code := 52; state.errors[0].message := 'ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE'; tr := Default (TTestRec); sList := TStringList.Create; try tr.s := 'A'; tr.ws := 'WS'; tr.st := '[100]'; tr.ansiCh := '@'; tr.ansiS := '@!'; tr.wChar := 'Ö'; tr.B := true; tr.i := 100; tr.t := Now; tr.d := Now; tr.dt := Now; tr.fd := Pi; tr.fS := 2 * Pi; tr.rA := 'AA'; tr.rB := 'BB'; tr.rC := 'CC'; tr.arr[1, 2] := 12; tr.arr[1, 3] := 13; tr.arr[1, 4] := 14; tr.arr[1, 5] := 15; tr.arr[2, 2] := 22; tr.arr[2, 3] := 23; tr.arr[2, 4] := 24; tr.arr[2, 5] := 25; tr.arr[3, 2] := 32; tr.arr[3, 3] := 33; tr.arr[3, 4] := 34; tr.arr[3, 5] := 35; SetLength(tr.dArr, 3); tr.dArr[0] := 'A'; tr.dArr[1] := 'B'; tr.dArr[2] := 'C'; tr.o := TMyObj.Create; tr.o.fI := 11; tr.o.fS := '22'; Serializer.Serialize('tr', TValue.From(tr), sList); for s in sList do WriteLn(s); sList.Clear; Serializer.Serialize('state', TValue.From(state),sList); for s in sList do WriteLn(s); ReadLn; finally sList.Free; end; end. 

我有一点帮助,研究Barry Kellys回答 Rtti访问复杂数据结构中的字段和属性的问题。