
我使用asp.net mvc列出jquery完整日历中的事件。 下面是我用来通过mvc中的json列出事件的脚本。

$('#calendar').fullCalendar({ theme: true, editable: true, disableDragging: true, disableResizing: true, header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,basicWeek,basicDay' }, events: function(start, end, callback) { // do some asynchronous ajax $.getJSON("/User/GetEvents/", { start: dateFormat(start.getTime()), end: dateFormat(end.getTime()) }, function(result) { // then, pass the CalEvent array to the callback callback(result); }) }, eventClick : function(event) { editEventShow(event); }, dayClick : function(dayDate){ addEventShow(dayDate, this); } }); 

但上面的脚本没有在日历中显示任何事件。 我在上面的脚本中做错了什么?


 events: function(start, end, callback) { // do some asynchronous ajax contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8", $.getJSON("/User/GetEvents/", { start: dateFormat(start.getTime()), end: dateFormat(end.getTime()) }, function(result) { if(result != null) { for (i in result) { var calEvent = result[i]; calEvent.date = new Date(parseInt(calEvent.date.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10)); calEvent.start = new Date(parseInt(calEvent.start.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10)); calEvent.end = new Date(parseInt(calEvent.end.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10)); } } var calevents = result; // then, pass the CalEvent array to the callback callback(calevents); }); }, 



请参阅: http : //weblogs.asp.net/gunnarpeipman/archive/2010/02/03/using-fullcalendar-jquery-component-with-asp-net-mvc.aspx