



我们欢迎所有的想法和建议,如果您想测试,我会设置一个jsFiddle 。


var sliders = $("#sliders .slider"); sliders.each(function() { var value = parseInt($(this).text(), 10), availableTotal = 400; $(this).empty().slider({ value: 0, min: 0, max: 400, range: "max", step: 10, slide: function(event, ui) { // Update display to current value $(this).siblings().text(ui.value); // Get current total var total = 0; sliders.not(this).each(function() { total += $(this).slider("option", "value"); }); // Need to do this because apparently jQ UI // does not update value until this event completes total += ui.value; var max = availableTotal - total; // Update each slider sliders.not(this).each(function() { var t = $(this), value = t.slider("option", "value"); t.slider("option", "max", max + value) .siblings().text(value + '/' + (max + value)); t.slider('value', value); }); } }); }); 

这是一个简单的演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/yijiang/Y5ZLL/4/

制作了上述答案的更新版本,显示百分比为100%。 因此,当您向上调整一个滑块时,另外两个滑块会减少,使每个滑块的百分比加起来达到100%。 还可以轻松设置初始值


 var sliders = $("#sliders .slider"); var availableTotal = 100; sliders.each(function() { var init_value = parseInt($(this).text()); $(this).siblings('.value').text(init_value); $(this).empty().slider({ value: init_value, min: 0, max: availableTotal, range: "max", step: 2, animate: 0, slide: function(event, ui) { // Update display to current value $(this).siblings('.value').text(ui.value); // Get current total var total = 0; sliders.not(this).each(function() { total += $(this).slider("option", "value"); }); // Need to do this because apparently jQ UI // does not update value until this event completes total += ui.value; var delta = availableTotal - total; // Update each slider sliders.not(this).each(function() { var t = $(this), value = t.slider("option", "value"); var new_value = value + (delta/2); if (new_value < 0 || ui.value == 100) new_value = 0; if (new_value > 100) new_value = 100; t.siblings('.value').text(new_value); t.slider('value', new_value); }); } }); }); 

我发现当其他滑块(除了你正在移动的滑块之外)移动时,它会分散注意力。 我也修改了易江小提琴,现在只要它达到400就停止。如果你想让滑块更高,你首先必须降低其中一个,就像第一个那样,但它保持滑块相对于总体。



 var sliders = $("#sliders .slider"); sliders.each(function() { var value = parseInt($(this).text(), 10), availableTotal = 400; $(this).empty().slider({ value: 0, min: 0, max: 400, range: "max", step: 10, animate: 100, slide: function(event, ui) { // Get current total var total = 0; sliders.not(this).each(function() { total += $(this).slider("option", "value"); }); var max = availableTotal - total; if (max - ui.value >= 0) { // Need to do this because apparently jQ UI // does not update value until this event completes total += ui.value; console.log(max-ui.value); $(this).siblings().text(ui.value); } else { return false; } } }); }); 


    array("blue", "1 Point", "1"), "5" => array("red", "5 Points", "5"), "10" => array("gold", "10 Points", "10")); $t = 0; $value_per_row = floor($my_points / count($chips)); $totalc = 0; foreach($chips as $key => $value){ $value = floor($value_per_row / $value[2]); $totalc = $totalc + $value_per_row; ?>
    $value){ ?>