Jquery nextUntil()替代

我有以下代码,这是尼克在之前的一个问题中提供的 ,它就像一个梦想。





     JS Bin   $("tr.top").click(function () { $(this).nextUntil('tr:not(.bt)').animate({ opacity: "toggle" }); });    
Click here to collapse the next tr with class bt but no other top row 1 top row 1
This is not ment to collapse when the tr at the top is clicked
bt row 1 bt row 1 bt row 1
bt row 1 bt row 1 bt row 1
bt row 1 bt row 1 bt row 1
Click here to collapse the next tr with class bt top row 2 top row 2
bt row 2 bt row 2 bt row 2
bt row 1 bt row 1 bt row 1
Click here to collapse the next tr with class bt top row 2 top row 2
bt row 2 bt row 2 bt row 2
bt row 1 bt row 1 bt row 1



 $("tr.top").click(function () { if (!$(this).next().hasClass('bt')) $(this).next().nextUntil('tr:not(.bt)').animate({ opacity: "toggle" }); else $(this).nextUntil('tr:not(.bt)').animate({ opacity: "toggle" }); }); 



 $(this).nextAll('.bt:first').prev().nextUntil('tr:not(.bt)').animate({ opacity: "toggle" }); 

请参阅: http : //jsbin.com/ateze5/9