
我有一个PHP脚本,它正在创建我的Web应用程序所需的JSON。 我正在使用jQuery的Ajaxfunction从我创建JSON的PHP页面获取JSON。 我发现了一个奇怪的怪癖。 如果我只是在Web浏览器中运行我的PHP文件并输出JSON,然后将该JSON复制到一个名为myJSON.json的文件中,该文件链接到我的Ajax URL调用,我的代码就可以了。 但是,如果我在Ajax URL调用中直接链接到我的PHP文件,则会收到以下错误: Requested JSON parse failed 。 所以这是我的相关PHP代码:

 getData() as $message) { // `date_received` is in Unix time. Begin converting this to a readable date and convert it to the users timezone $newTZ = new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"); // This will be based on the users location during production $currentTime = new DateTime(); $currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $message['date_received']); $currentTime->setTimezone($newTZ); $formattedDateReceived = $currentTime->format('F j, Y'); // The JSON structure is organized by date (group). Each unique date will be placed in its own group in the JSON file. So we need to check if a date is already in the $groupArray. If it is, then we simply add the email data to the current date group. If the date is not already in the $groupArray, then we will need to create a new group and add the email data to the new group. if (!in_array($formattedDateReceived, $groupArray)) { // This date is not yet in the $groupArray // Check if this is the first group being added to the $groupArray. If it is, the first group added requires different formatting than all other groups that will be added if (count($groupArray) == 0) { // This is the first group being added $json .= '{ "group": "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "list": ['; } else { // This is not the first group being added. Close the previous "group" and "list" objects and then create new "group" and "list" objects. // Before closing the previous "group" and "list" objects, we need to remove the trailing comma ',' from the last "list" item in the previous "group" $json = rtrim($json, ','); // ']' is closing the previous "list" object. '},' is closing the previous "group" object $json .= '] },{ "group": "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "list": ['; } // Now we need to add this date to the $groupArray $groupArray[] = $formattedDateReceived; // The body of the email cannot have unescaped quotes or apostrophies. It also cannot have line breaks or multiple spaces between words. $body = addslashes($message['body'][0]['content']); // Escapes quotes and apostrophies $body = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"),"", $body); // Removes all line breaks causing the body string to be all on one line $newBody = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $body); // Remove any multiple spaces between words // Add the email to the JSON structure $json .= ' { "id": "'.$message['message_id'].'", "subject": "'.addslashes($message['subject']).'", "to": ["David Nester", "Jane Smith"], "body": "'.$newBody.'", "time": "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "datetime" : "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "from": "'.$message['addresses']['from']['name'].'", "dp": "assets/img/profiles/avatar.jpg", "dpRetina": "assets/img/profiles/avatar2x.jpg" },'; // echo "

New Group

"; // echo "Date: ".$message['date_received']." ($formattedString)\n
"; // echo "From: ".$message['addresses']['from']['email']."\n
"; // echo "Subject: ".$message['subject']."\n
"; // echo "Thread Size: ".$message['thread_size']."\n
"; // echo "Message ID: ".$message['message_id']."\n
"; // echo "Flags: ".$message['flags'][0]."\n
"; } else { // This date is already in the $groupArray // The body of the email cannot have unescaped quotes or apostrophies. It also cannot have line breaks or multiple spaces between words. $body = addslashes($message['body'][0]['content']); // Escapes quotes and apostrophies $body = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"),"", $body); // Removes all line breaks causing the body string to be all on one line $newBody = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $body); // Remove any multiple spaces between words // Add the email to the JSON structure $json .= ' { "id": "'.$message['message_id'].'", "subject": "'.addslashes($message['subject']).'", "to": ["David Nester", "Jane Smith"], "body": "'.$newBody.'", "time": "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "datetime" : "'.$formattedDateReceived.'", "from": "'.$message['addresses']['from']['name'].'", "dp": "assets/img/profiles/avatar.jpg", "dpRetina": "assets/img/profiles/avatar2x.jpg" },'; } } // end foreach loop // Before closing the very last "group" and "list" objects, we need to remove the trailing comma ',' from the last "list" item in the last "group" $json = rtrim($json, ','); // Complete the JSON structure $json .= '] } ] }'; // Output the JSON file_put_contents('emails.json', $json); header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo $json; ?>

因此,如果我在Web浏览器中运行此PHP文件,它将输出JSON。 然后我将JSON复制并粘贴到JSON文件中。 然后我将我的AJAX调用链接到JSON文件,所有内容都被正确解析。 我需要链接到在我的AJAX调用中创建JSON的PHP文件。 但是,当我这样做时,我得到一个解析错误,即使它是我复制并粘贴在我的JSON文件完全相同的代码。 我真的很难过这个。 这是我的相关AJAX代码:

 $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "create-json.php", success: function(data) { $.each(data.emails, function(i) { var obj = data.emails[i]; var list = obj.list; $.each(list, function(j) { var $this = list[j]; var id = $this.id; }); }); }, error: function(jqXHR, exception) { if (jqXHR.status === 0) { alert('Not connect.\n Verify Network.'); } else if (jqXHR.status == 404) { alert('Requested page not found. [404]'); } else if (jqXHR.status == 500) { alert('Internal Server Error [500].'); } else if (exception === 'parsererror') { alert('Requested JSON parse failed.'); } else if (exception === 'timeout') { alert('Time out error.'); } else if (exception === 'abort') { alert('Ajax request aborted.'); } else { alert('Uncaught Error.\n' + jqXHR.responseText); } } } 

而不是尝试从头开始创建JSON字符串,使用关联数组(key => value)构建数据结构,而只使用json_encode()它,它将为您节省格式化方面的许多麻烦。



 $groupArray = array(); $json = array( 'emails' => array() ); foreach ($contextIORequest->getData() as $message) { $newTZ = new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago"); $currentTime = new DateTime(); $currentTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $message['date_received']); $currentTime->setTimezone($newTZ); $formattedDateReceived = $currentTime->format('F j, Y'); if (!in_array($formattedDateReceived, $groupArray)) { array_push( $json['emails'], array( 'group' => $formattedDateReceived, 'list' => array() ) ); $groupArray[] = $formattedDateReceived; } $body = str_replace(array("\r\n","\n"),"", $message['body'][0]['content']); $newBody = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $body); array_push($json['emails'][array_search($formattedDateReceived,$groupArray)]['list'], array( 'id' => $message['message_id'], 'subject'=> addslashes($message['subject']), 'to' => array("Me"), 'body' => $newBody, 'time' => $formattedDateReceived, 'datetime' => $formattedDateReceived, 'from' => $message['addresses']['from']['name'], 'dp' => "assets/img/profiles/avatar.jpg", 'dpRetina' => "assets/img/profiles/avatar2x.jpg" ) ); } // end foreach loop // Output the JSON header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($json);