


Word = Dog D - Increments from A to D [A, B, C, D] O - Increments from A to O [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O] G - Increments from A to G [A, B, C, D, E, F, G] 

我想要实现的效果类似于这个jQuery动画数字计数器 ,除了我将增加字母而不是计数数字。 此外,单词的每个字母应该独立增加,但它们应该同时到达目的地字母。


 var wordToIncrement = 'DOG'; var alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '.split(''); for (var i = 0, len = wordToIncrement.length; i < len; i++) { var letterToIncrementTo = wordToIncrement[i]; var arrayLength = alphabet.length; for (var z = 0; z < arrayLength; z++) { var alphabetLetter = alphabet[z]; if (alphabetLetter == letterToIncrementTo) { console.log('MATCH FOUND!'); console.log('Word Letter: ' + letterToIncrementTo); console.log('Alphabet Letter: ' + alphabetLetter); alphabetPositionValue = z; console.log('VALUE: ' + alphabetPositionValue); function incrementToLetter(letterToIncrementTo,alphabetPositionValue) { // This is where I'm stuck var div = document.getElementById('#word_block'); div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + 'Extra stuff'; } } } } 



如何完成上面的代码以实现与动画数字计数器示例类似的function并增加单词的每个字母? 我正在寻找一个基于JavaScript的解决方案。

我会建立一个保持字母和时间的字母对象。 这样,您可以在对象上提供简单的更新function,对象本身将确保它生成正确的当前字母。


 function Letter(table, letter, duration) { this.table = table; // lookup-table this.letter = letter; // target letter this.current = 0; // index in table this.delay = duration / tbl.indexOf(letter); // ms this.time = Date.now(); // current (start) time this.done = false; // status } 

然后是一个常见的prototyped update()方法:

 Letter.prototype.update = function() { if (this.done) return; // if done, do no more var time = Date.now(); // get current time if (time - this.time >= this.delay) { // exceeded delay? this.time = time; // store current time if (this.letter === this.table[this.current] || this.current === this.table.length) { // target reached? unknown letter this.done = true; // we're done } else { this.current++; // next in table } } }; 


 var letters = []; word.toUpperCase().split("").forEach(function(l) { letters.push(new Letter(tbl, l, 2500)); // 2.5s duration }); 


 (function loop() { var txt = "", isDone = true; letters.forEach(function(l) { l.update(); if (!l.done) isDone = false; txt += l.table[l.current]; }); // output txt if (!isDone) requestAnimationFrame(loop); else { /* done */ } })(); 


 function Letter(table, letter, duration) { this.table = table; this.letter = letter; this.current = 0; this.delay = duration / tbl.indexOf(letter); // ms this.time = Date.now(); this.done = false; } Letter.prototype.update = function() { if (this.done) return; var time = Date.now(); if (time - this.time >= this.delay) { this.time = time; if (this.letter === this.table[this.current] || this.current === this.table.length) { this.done = true; } else { this.current++; } } }; var word = "hello there"; var tbl = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var letters = []; word.toUpperCase().split("").forEach(function(l) { letters.push(new Letter(tbl, l, 2500)) }); (function loop() { var txt = "", isDone = true; letters.forEach(function(l) { l.update(); if (!l.done) isDone = false; txt += l.table[l.current]; }); // output txt d.innerHTML = txt; if (!isDone) requestAnimationFrame(loop); else { /* done */ } })(); 
 #d {font:bold 32px monospace}