在ajax调用之后,Jquery treeview节点不会切换

我的视图中有两个对话框。 这些对话框中的每一个都有ajax命令,例如第一个执行POST ,第二个执行LOAD

问题是在我从对话框1中的复选框列表中选择并点击UpdatePage按钮后,我的模型得到了更新。 但是,包含具有另一个checbobox列表/节点的树视图的第二个对话框将不会切换。 它确实保留了以前的状态:检查选中的复选框,但它根本不会切换。


 function initDailog() { RunDialog = $("#runDatestreeview").dialog({ closeOnEscape: true, stack: false, autoOpen: true, modal: false, resizable: true, draggable: true, title: 'Select Run Dates to Auto-Populate Form Fields & Test Exceptions:', width: 600, height: 500, position: 'center', open: function (type, data) { }, buttons: { UpdatePage: function () { //storing the value of treeview selections in dialog box 2 var originalContent = $("#treeview").html(); $.post(runDatesUrl, $("#form").serialize(), function (data) { $("#runDatestreeview").remove(); //removing the div which contains the treeview $("#treeview").remove(); $("#testExceptiontreeview").remove(); $("#main").html(data); //setting back the value of the div which contains the treeview $("#treeview").html(originalContent); }, "html"); }, Cancel: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); RunDialog.closest("div.ui-dialog").appendTo("#form"); } 


 $("#errorCodes ul").treeview({ collapsed: true, prerendered: false }); 


@Html.RenderTree(CacheHelper.ErrorCodes(), ec => ec.Name, ec => ec.Children.ToList(), ec => (ec.ID).ToString(), null, "e")



演示 – 存储HTML,删除树,添加新树,设置HTML并重新绑定treeView

在上面的DEMO中,我在加载时绑定树视图,折叠/展开树视图,然后点击store/remove/attach按钮。 之后,树看起来像以前一样,折叠/展开/切换仍然有效。

单击时, store/remove/attach按钮将执行以下操作:

  • 存储ul元素的HTML,即树视图
  • 删除ul元素
  • 重新添加一个新的ul元素
  • 将原始HTML添加到新的ul
  • ul重新绑定到treeview插件






  • Folder 1
    • Item 1.1
  • Folder 2
    • Subfolder 2.1
      • File 2.1.1
      • File 2.1.2
    • File 2.2
  • Folder 3 (closed at start)
    • File 3.1
  • File 4


 $("#tree").treeview({ control: "#treeviewcontrol", prerendered: false }); $("#cloneTree").click(function () { var $tree = $("#tree"); var originalHtml = $tree.html(); $tree.remove(); var newBrowser = $('
    ') newBrowser.html(originalHtml); $("body").append(newBrowser); $("#tree").treeview({ control: "#treeviewcontrol", prerendered: false }); });


     .treeview, .treeview ul { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } .treeview ul { background-color: white; margin-top: 4px; } .treeview .hitarea { background: url(images/treeview-default.gif) -64px -25px no-repeat; height: 16px; width: 16px; margin-left: -16px; float: left; cursor: pointer; } /* fix for IE6 */ * html .hitarea { display: inline; float:none; } .treeview li { margin: 0; padding: 3px 0pt 3px 16px; } .treeview a.selected { background-color: #eee; } #treecontrol { margin: 1em 0; display: none; } .treeview .hover { color: red; cursor: pointer; } .treeview li { background: url(images/treeview-default-line.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } .treeview li.collapsable, .treeview li.expandable { background-position: 0 -176px; } .treeview .expandable-hitarea { background-position: -80px -3px; } .treeview li.last { background-position: 0 -1766px } .treeview li.lastCollapsable, .treeview li.lastExpandable { background-image: url(images/treeview-default.gif); } .treeview li.lastCollapsable { background-position: 0 -111px } .treeview li.lastExpandable { background-position: -32px -67px } .treeview div.lastCollapsable-hitarea, .treeview div.lastExpandable-hitarea { background-position: 0; } .treeview-red li { background-image: url(images/treeview-red-line.gif); } .treeview-red .hitarea, .treeview-red li.lastCollapsable, .treeview-red li.lastExpandable { background-image: url(images/treeview-red.gif); } .treeview-black li { background-image: url(images/treeview-black-line.gif); } .treeview-black .hitarea, .treeview-black li.lastCollapsable, .treeview-black li.lastExpandable { background-image: url(images/treeview-black.gif); } .treeview-gray li { background-image: url(images/treeview-gray-line.gif); } .treeview-gray .hitarea, .treeview-gray li.lastCollapsable, .treeview-gray li.lastExpandable { background-image: url(images/treeview-gray.gif); } .treeview-famfamfam li { background-image: url(images/treeview-famfamfam-line.gif); } .treeview-famfamfam .hitarea, .treeview-famfamfam li.lastCollapsable, .treeview-famfamfam li.lastExpandable { background-image: url(images/treeview-famfamfam.gif); } .treeview .placeholder { background: url(images/ajax-loader.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; height: 16px; width: 16px; display: block; } .filetree li { padding: 3px 0 2px 16px; } .filetree span.folder, .filetree span.file { padding: 1px 0 1px 16px; display: block; } .filetree span.folder { background: url(images/folder.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } .filetree li.expandable span.folder { background: url(images/folder-closed.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } .filetree span.file { background: url(images/file.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; }