
我正在使用jasmine-rails gem运行Rails 3.2.8。 以下是我的Gemfile中描述茉莉花设置的行:

jasmine (1.2.1) jasmine-core (>= 1.2.0) rack (~> 1.0) rspec (>= 1.3.1) selenium-webdriver (>= 0.1.3) jasmine-core (1.2.0) jasmine-headless-webkit (0.8.4) coffee-script jasmine-core (~> 1.1) multi_json rainbow sprockets (~> 2) jasmine-rails (0.1.0) jasmine jasmine-headless-webkit rails (>= 3.1.0) 

我也在使用jasmine-jquery扩展。 这组函数提供了我在测试中使用的toHaveText方法。 我已将jasmine-jquery扩展文件保存到spec / javascripts / helpers目录中。

名为UserInvitationsSpec.js的测试文件直接位于spec / javascripts目录中,其中包含以下内容:

 describe ("my basic jasmine jquery test", function(){ beforeEach(function(){ $('body').append('My test link'); }); afterEach(function(){ $('a#test_link').remove(); }); it ("does some basic jQuery thing", function () { $('a#test_link').click(); expect($("a#test_link")).toHaveText('My test link is now longer'); }); it ("does some the same basic jQuery thing with a different trigger type", function () { $('a#test_link').trigger('click'); expect($("a#test_link")).toHaveText('My test link is now longer'); }); }); describe ('subtraction', function(){ var a = 1; var b = 2; it("returns the correct answer", function(){ expect(subtraction(a,b)).toBe(-1); }); }); 


我的javascript文件core.js位于app / assets / javascripts目录中,其内容如下:

 function subtraction(a,b){ return a - b; } jQuery (function($) { $("a#test_link").click(changeTheTextOfTheLink) function changeTheTextOfTheLink(e) { e.preventDefault() $("a#test_link").append(' is now longer'); } }); 

当我通过终端运行’bundle exec jasmine-headless-webkit’时,这是输出:

 FF. FAIL: 3 tests, 2 failures, 0.013 secs. my basic jasmine jquery test does some basic jQuery thing. (/Users/rebekah/OPSWAT/opswat_cwm/spec/javascripts/UserInvitationsSpec.js:11) Expected 'My test link' to have text 'My test link is now longer'. (line ~13) expect($("a#test_link")).toHaveText('My test link is now longer'); my basic jasmine jquery test does some the same basic jQuery thing with a different trigger type. (/Users/rebekah/OPSWAT/opswat_cwm/spec/javascripts/UserInvitationsSpec.js:16) Expected 'My test link' to have text 'My test link is now longer'. (line ~18) expect($("a#test_link")).toHaveText('My test link is now longer'); 

我的application.js文件位于相同的app / assets / javascripts目录中,其内容如下:

 //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap //= require vendor //= require_tree . 

我在spec / javascripts / support dir中的jasmine.yml文件包含以下内容:

  src_files: - "application.{js,coffee}" stylesheets: helpers: - "helpers/**/*.{js,coffee}" spec_files: - "**/*[Ss]pec.{js,coffee}" src_dir: "app/assets/javascripts" spec_dir: spec/javascripts asset_paths: - "vendor/assets/javascripts" 




jQuery的document.ready事件( jQuery(function ($) { … }); )在Jasmine的beforeEach之前运行,这意味着你正试图将点击beforeEach绑定到尚未添加到文档的链接。


 // application.js jQuery(function ($) { console.log("In document.ready"); }); 

 // test_spec.js describe("the order of things", function () { beforeEach(function () { console.log("In beforeEach"); }); it("should run some tests", function () { console.log("In test"); }); }); 


 $ bundle exec jasmine-headless-webkit "In document.ready" Running Jasmine specs... "In before each" "In test" . PASS: 1 test, 0 failures, 0.004 secs. 

不幸的是,我在Jasmine Headless Webkit (这是jasmine-rails在幕后使用的)文档中找不到关于使用自定义HTML模板的任何内容。