


输出使用CSS文件生成固定大小的iframe。 当我检查元素时,这是输出:




 * jQuery Dialog2 IFrame * * Licensed under the MIT license * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * @version: 1.0.2 (08/03/2013) * * @requires jQuery >= 1.4 * * @requires jQuery.dialog2 plugin >= 1.1 * * @requires jQuery.query plugin >= 2.1.7 * * @author Jorge Barnaby (jorge.barnaby {at} gmail.com) */ (function ($) { /* * Shows a web page (using iframe) in a jQuery dialog2 (Bootstrap style). * */ $.fn.dialog2IFrame = function (options) { options = $.extend({}, $.fn.dialog2IFrame.defaults, options); $(this).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var idDialogOuter = "dialog-iframe-outer"; var mainWin = window; var btn = this; var $btn = $(btn); var $dialogOuter = $('#' + idDialogOuter).length ? $('#' + idDialogOuter) : $('
').hide().appendTo(document.body); var $dialogFrame = $('iframe', $dialogOuter).length ? $('iframe', dialogOuter) : $('').appendTo($dialogOuter); var url = btn.href; if (options.appendParamUrl) { // Appends &iframe=true to url url = btn.protocol + "//" + // Add trailing '/'' if not exists (btn.host.charAt(btn.host.length - 1) != '/' ? btn.host + '/' : btn.host) + // Remove starting '/'' if exists (btn.pathname.charAt(0) == '/' ? btn.pathname.substr(1, btn.pathname.length - 1) : btn.pathname) + $.query.load(btn.href).set("iframe", "true").copy(); } // Adds URL to iframe src $dialogFrame.attr('src', url); $dialogOuter.css('overflow', 'hidden').css('padding', '0').css('margin', '0'); $dialogOuter.dialog2( { title: $btn.attr('title'), /*buttons: { Close: { click: function () { options.close(); $(this).dialog2('close'); // If caller has the CSS Class 'reload-on-close' or // reloadOnClose option is true, // the main page will be reloaded on close. if ($btn.hasClass('reload-on-close') || options.reloadOnClose) { mainWin.location.reload(); } } } },*/ // TODO: Temporary removal autoOpen: true, closeOnOverlayClick: options.closeOnOverlayClick, closeOnEscape: options.closeOnEscape, removeOnClose: true, showCloseHandle: options.showCloseHandle, initialLoadText: "Loading..." }); var $dialog = $dialogOuter.parent(); $dialog.addClass(options.additionalClass); // Removes footer if empty $footer = $dialog.find('.modal-footer'); console.log($footer.text().length); if ($footer.text().length == 0) { $footer.remove(); } // Sets the iframe width and height to the same as the modal (must be done at the end) $dialogFrame.width($dialogOuter.width()).height($dialogOuter.height()); }); } $.fn.dialog2IFrame.defaults = { height: "900", additionalClass: "", // Appends &iframe=true to URL opened on IFrame appendParamUrl: false, // Reloads main page when modal is closed reloadOnClose: false, closeOnOverlayClick: false, closeOnEscape: false, showCloseHandle: false, close: function () { return true; } }; })(jQuery);


也许我错过了$('#id').addClass('yourClass'); 应该做的伎俩。