Flipclock js倒计时1小时不复位

我正在尝试倒计时而不重置刷新时间。 我只需要倒计时1h,但我不希望它在刷新时重置。 从服务器获取当前时间和到期时间不起作用,因为我想在点击时重置该计时器。 这是我目前的js代码:

 var clock; clock = $('.clock').FlipClock({ clockFace: 'HourlyCounter', autoStart: false, callbacks: { stop: function() { $('.message').html('The clock has stopped!') }, } }); clock.setTime(3600); clock.setCountdown(true);  


flipclock init()函数中,将结束日期存储在cookie中,init计时器使用clock.setTime() ,使用clock.setCountdown(true)启用倒计时,并通过clock.start()启动它。


 var counter = $.cookie('endDate')-currentDate; clock.setTime(counter); 

单击reset按钮将通过删除cookie endDate和初始化倒计时function来重置计数器。




 //ready function $(function(){ countDown = function(){ var currentDate = Math.round(new Date() / 1000); var clock = $('.clock').FlipClock({ countdown: true, callbacks: { init: function() { //store end date If it's not yet in cookies if(!$.cookie('endDate')){ // end date = current date + 1 minutes var endDate = Date.now() + 1*60*1000; // store end date in cookies $.cookie('endDate', Math.round(endDate / 1000)); } }, stop: function() { $('.message').html('The clock has stopped!'); }, } }); /* counter will be at first 1 min if the user refresh the page the counter will be the difference between current and end Date, so like this counter can continue the countdown normally in case of refresh. */ var counter = $.cookie('endDate')-currentDate; clock.setTime(counter); clock.setCountdown(true); clock.start(); } //reset button $('#reset').click(function(){ $.removeCookie('endDate'); //removing end date from cookies countDown(); //launch countdown function }); //Lanching count down on ready countDown(); }); 


 var endDate = Date.now() + 1*60*1000; // For you .... + 60*60*1000