

id cid values 1 1 value1 2 1 value2 3 1 value3 



 tx.executeSql("SELECT cid,value FROM table where cid="+cid_value, [], querySuccess, errorCB,cid_value); 


 value=val[1]; var causedetails = results.rows.length; for (var i=value; i<causedetails; i++) { cidinstance=results.rows.item(i).cid; console.log("cid= "+cidinstance ); var valueinstance=results.rows.item(i).value; //document.getElementById("s1cause").innerHTML=valueinstance; console.log("cid= "+cidinstance + "" + "valueinstance= "+valueinstance); } 

当val [1} = 0时,它完美地工作了所有的值。

问题从以下情况开始,当val [1] = 1或2,….所以当val [1] = 1时,它实际上只有2个值。但是当我在控制台日志中打印它时,1在看到错误后看到了价值

 JSCallback: Message from Server: SQLitePluginTransaction.queryCompleteCallback(value1,value2)--->(the 2 values that should have come in the console log). 



当值= 0时

 05-16 13:42:59.062: I/Web Console(10351): cid= 1 valueinstance= VALUE 1 of cid 1 at file:///android_asset/www/abc.html?var%20id=0:181 05-16 13:42:59.062: I/Web Console(10351): cid= 1 valueinstance= VALUE 2 of cid 1 at file:///android_asset/www/abc.html?var%20id=0:181 05-16 13:42:59.062: I/Web Console(10351): cid= 1 valueinstance= VALUE 3 of cid 1 at file:///android_asset/www/abc.html?var%20id=0:181 05-16 13:42:59.062: I/Web Console(10351): cid= 1 valueinstance= VALUE 4 of cid 1 at file:///android_asset/www/abc.html?var%20id=0:181 

当值= 1时

 05-16 13:49:36.765: I/Web Console(11184): cid= 2 valueinstance= VALUE 2 of cid 2 at file:///android_asset/www/abc.html?var%20id=0:181 05-16 13:49:36.769: I/Web Console(11184): JSCallback: Message from Server: SQLitePluginTransaction.queryCompleteCallback('1368692376635000','1368692376639000', [{"value":"VALUE 1","id":"5","cid":"2"},{"value":"VALUE 2","id":"6","cid":"2"}]); at file:///android_asset/www/cordova-2.1.0.js:3726 


 function startXhr() { // cordova/exec depends on this module, so we can't require cordova/exec on the module level. var exec = require('cordova/exec'), xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Callback function when XMLHttpRequest is ready xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function(){ if (!xmlhttp) { return; } if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4){ // If callback has JavaScript statement to execute if (xmlhttp.status === 200) { // Need to url decode the response var msg = decodeURIComponent(xmlhttp.responseText); setTimeout(function() { try { var t = eval(msg); } catch (e) { // If we're getting an error here, seeing the message will help in debugging LINE 3726==> console.log("JSCallback: Message from Server: " + msg); console.log("JSCallback Error: "+e); } }, 1); setTimeout(startXhr, 1); } 

问题是,当我从服务器获取消息作为JS Callback时,我得到了值。 不是来自for循环
