


(function ($) { //typing effect for text $.fn.typingText = function (options) { var setting = $.extend({ //the starting point ==> *(it starts typing when the scrollbar hit the starting point) start: 0, //the user given delay character ==> *(it delays the typing when it hits this character) ==> *(must be a character not a digit or alphabet) delayChar: '.', //the speed of typer ==> *(must be at least 50) speed: 100, //the delay duration when it hits delaying characters ==> *(delaying characters are ? ! . and any other given character in delayChar variable) delay: 500 }, options); if (setting.speed < 50) { setting.speed = 50; } if (setting.delay = setting.start) { $(this).css('display', 'block'); window.text = $(this).text(); window.textLength = window.text.length; window.char = 0; setting.delayChar = '^\\' + setting.delayChar; $(this).text(''); $(this).html(''); $(this).append('|'); window.blinking = setInterval(function () { $('.blinkingLine').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 300); setTimeout(function () { $('.blinkingLine').animate({ opacity: 1 }, 300); }, 300); }, 600); function type() { window.that.children('.textLine').text(window.text.substr(0, window.char)); window.lastChar = window.that.children('.textLine').text().slice(window.that.children('.textLine').text().length - 1); window.char++; if (window.char > window.textLength) { window.that.children('.textLine').text(window.that.children('.textLine').text().substr(0, window.textLength)); $('.blinkingLine').remove(); clearInterval(window.startTyping); clearInterval(window.blinking); clearInterval(window.checking); } } window.timer = 0; window.startTyping = setInterval(type, setting.speed); window.checking = setInterval(function () { if (!window.delaying || typeof window.delaying == 'undefined' || window.timer >= setting.delay) { if (window.lastChar.match('^\\?') || window.lastChar.match('^\\.') || window.lastChar.match('^\\!') || window.lastChar.match(setting.delayChar)) { if (window.timer >= setting.delay) { window.timer = 0; window.char++; type(); window.startTyping = setInterval(type, setting.speed); window.delaying = false; } else { window.delaying = true; clearInterval(window.startTyping); window.startTyping = null; } } } else { window.timer = window.timer + 50; } }, 50); } }; })(jQuery); $(function () { $('#title').typingText(); $('#title2').typingText(); }); 


我知道它必须对我编写插件的方法做一些事情,但我在网上尝试了几个建议,例如面向对象的插件编写,但仍然无法提出解决方案! 任何帮助或建议将不胜感激。




 (function($){ //typing effect for text //start of the plugin var typingTextFunc= function(options, elem){ var setting= $.extend({ //the starting point //*(it starts typing when the scrollbar hit the starting point) start:0, //the user given delay character //*(it delays the typing when it hits elem character) ==> *(must be a character not a digit or alphabet) delayChar:'.', //the speed of typer //*(must be at least 50) speed:100, //the delay duration when it hits delaying characters //*(delaying characters are ? ! . and any other given character in delayChar variable) delay:500 },options); if(setting.speed<50){ setting.speed=50; } if(setting.delay<100){ setting.delay=100; } setting.delayChar=setting.delayChar.slice(0,1); var that=$(elem); if($(document).scrollTop()>=setting.start){ $(elem).css('display','block'); var text=$(elem).text(); var textLength=text.length; var char=0; $(elem).text(''); $(elem).html(''); $(elem).append('|'); var blinking=setInterval(function(){ that.children('.blinkingLine').animate({opacity:0},300); setTimeout(function(){ that.children('.blinkingLine').animate({opacity:1},300); },300); },600); var lastChar=''; function type(){ that.children('.textLine').text(text.substr(0,char)); lastChar=that.children('.textLine').text().slice(that.children('.textLine').text().length-1); char++; if(char>textLength){ that.children('.textLine').text(that.children('.textLine').text().substr(0,textLength)); that.children('.blinkingLine').remove(); clearInterval(startTyping); clearInterval(blinking); clearInterval(checking); } } var timer=0; var delaying=false; var startTyping=setInterval(type,setting.speed); var checking= setInterval(function(){ if(typeof delaying=='undefined' || timer>=setting.delay || delaying==false){ if(lastChar=='?' || lastChar=='.' || lastChar=='!' || lastChar==setting.delayChar){ if(timer>=setting.delay){ timer=0; char++; type(); startTyping=setInterval(type,setting.speed); delaying=false; } else{ delaying=true; clearInterval(startTyping); startTyping=null; } } } else{ timer=timer+50; } },50); } }; $.fn.typingText= function(options){ if($(this).data('typed')) return; return $(this).each(function(){ typingTextFunc(options, this); $(this).data('typed',true); }); }; //end of the plugin }(jQuery)); $(function(){ $('#title1').typingText(); $('#title2').typingText(); });