
在我之前的post中 ,我询问了如何使用箭头键导航表格单元格。 现在我正在尝试创建另一个与第一个表现相同的表。



var active = 0; //$('#navigate td').each(function(idx){$(this).html(idx);}); rePosition(); $(document).keydown(function(e) { var inp = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); if (!(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(inp) || event.keyCode == 96)){ reCalculate(e); rePosition(); // if key is an arrow key, don't type the user input. // if it is any other key (a, b, c, etc) // edit the text if (e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode  0) { temp = temp - 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 38) { // move up temp = active; while (temp - columns >= 0) { temp = temp - columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 39) { // move right or wrap temp = active; while (temp < (columns * rows) - 1) { temp = temp + 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 40) { // move down temp = active; while (temp + columns <= (rows * columns) - 1) { temp = temp + columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } } function rePosition() { console.log(active); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).addClass('active'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').find('input').removeClass('textClass'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').addClass('textClass'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').select(); var input = $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').focus(); scrollInView(); } function scrollInView() { var target = $('#navigate tbody tr td:eq(' + active + ')'); if (target.length) { var top = target.offset().top; $('html,body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: top - 100 }, 400); return false; } } 
 td.active{ border:2px solid #2c3e50; font-weight:bold; background-color:#ddd; } .textClass{ font-weight:bold; } input:focus { outline: none; } 



经过一番冒汗的研究后,它得到了正确的解决方案。 因为我们无法在任何其他表的TD中单击:我们需要更改找到td索引的方式。


 $(this).closest('table tbody').find('td').index(this); 



 $('table td').index(this); 



$('td').click 发送表 id $('td').click

 $('td').click(function() { active = $(this).closest('table tbody').find('td').index(this); var tableid=$(this).closest('table').attr('id'); console.log(tableid); rePosition(tableid); }); 

和更改函数 rePosition()

 function rePosition(tableid) { console.log(active); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).addClass('active'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').find('input').removeClass('textClass'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').addClass('textClass'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').select(); var input = $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').focus(); scrollInView(tableid); } 



 var active = 0; //$('#navigate td').each(function(idx){$(this).html(idx);}); rePosition(); $(document).keydown(function(e) { var inp = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); if (!(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(inp) || event.keyCode == 96)){ reCalculate(e); rePosition(); // if key is an arrow key, don't type the user input. // if it is any other key (a, b, c, etc) // edit the text if (e.keyCode > 36 && e.keyCode < 41) { return false; } } }); $('td').click(function() { active = $(this).closest('table tbody').find('td').index(this); var tableid=$(this).closest('table').attr('id'); console.log(tableid); rePosition(tableid); }); function reCalculate(e) { var rows = $('#navigate tbody tr').length; var columns = $('#navigate tbody tr:eq(0) td').length; var temp; if (e.keyCode == 37) { //move left or wrap temp = active; while (temp > 0) { temp = temp - 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 38) { // move up temp = active; while (temp - columns >= 0) { temp = temp - columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 39) { // move right or wrap temp = active; while (temp < (columns * rows) - 1) { temp = temp + 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 40) { // move down temp = active; while (temp + columns <= (rows * columns) - 1) { temp = temp + columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } } function rePosition(tableid) { console.log(active); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).addClass('active'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').find('input').removeClass('textClass'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').addClass('textClass'); $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').select(); var input = $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').focus(); scrollInView(tableid); } function scrollInView(tableid) { var target = $('#'+tableid+' tbody tr td:eq(' + active + ')'); if (target.length) { var top = target.offset().top; $('html,body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: top - 100 }, 400); return false; } } 
 td.active{ border:2px solid #2c3e50; font-weight:bold; background-color:#ddd; } .textClass{ font-weight:bold; } input:focus { outline: none; } 





 function rePosition() { console.log(active); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('.tblnavigate tbody tr td').eq(active).addClass('active'); $('.tblnavigate tbody tr td').find('input').removeClass('textClass'); $('.tblnavigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').addClass('textClass'); $('.tblnavigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').select(); var input = $('.tblnavigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').focus(); scrollInView(); } 



 if ((!(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(inp) || e.keyCode == 96)) && e.keyCode != 8){ ... } 



 function reCalculate(e) { var rows = $('#navigate tbody tr').length; var columns = $('#navigate tbody tr:eq(0) td').length; var temp; if (e.keyCode == 37) { //move left or wrap temp = active; while (temp > 0) { temp = temp - 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 38) { // move up temp = active; while (temp - columns >= 0) { temp = temp - columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 39) { // move right or wrap temp = active; while (temp < (columns * rows) - 1) { temp = temp + 1; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } if (e.keyCode == 40) { // move down temp = active; while (temp + columns <= (rows * columns) - 1) { temp = temp + columns; // only advance if there is an input field in the td if ($('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(temp).find('input').length != 0) { active = temp; break; } } } } function rePosition() { console.log(active); $('.active').removeClass('active'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).addClass('active'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').find('input').removeClass('textClass'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').addClass('textClass'); $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').select(); var input = $('#navigate tbody tr td').eq(active).find('input').focus(); scrollInView(); } function scrollInView() { var target = $('#navigate tbody tr td:eq(' + active + ')'); if (target.length) { var top = target.offset().top; $('html,body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: top - 100 }, 400); return false; } } 

检查更新的演示: 单击此处

我在最近的一个项目中使用了这个,它运行得很好: https : //gist.github.com/krcourville/7309218