jQuery UI对话框滚动条+覆盖设置无法卸载

最近,我的朋友帮我解决了背景重叠问题。 我有一个问题,如果对话框高度超出原始网站背景,它将切断中间的叠加。 他的修复解决了它。

但现在我有一个轻微但烦人的问题。 每次我打开一个很长的对话框,然后是一个短的对话框,从较长的对话框中拉伸的滚动条仍然存在。 就像我之后打开短片一样,我可以向下滚动超出背景,就像用更长的时间,但我只能看到叠加。 关闭对话框后,我认为设置没有正确卸载。

有没有解决的办法? 谢谢。


       Ricky Tsang | Book | Bonus Features          a img { border:0 }    #header #inner { width: 820px; } #mainmenu { visibility: visible; }      

Bonus Features

Ridiculous: The Mindful Nonsense of Ricky's Brain is jam-packed with hundreds of pages of writing, but there are always limitations when it comes to books. Below are some extras that readers may find entertaining, kind of like a DVD!

From The Book (with excerpts)

The Girl Who Saved My Life
A true story about an amazing girl who stole my heart. Includes a photo and video of interesting items.

Ricky's Adventures In Bikini Land
A satirical recount of my “adventures” in Niagara Falls. Includes a window scene photo from the room where my family and I stayed.

The Brain Behind His Words
A brutally honest narrative of the things that go on inside my head. Includes a full-size photo of myself that was an inspiration for the piece.

Ricky's Moments Of WTF?!
About the stranger happenings in the life of yours truly. Includes a few photos of… embarrassing things.

Appreciating Mothers: The How-To Guide
A comical yet hopefully endearing guide on how to appreciate mothers. Includes a poem I wrote about the uterus.

Pages That Didn't Make It

Ricky's Romantic Analogies
No matter how much I edited this entry, it continued to remain… corny. Though, it did become a pivotal part of the romantic ideas for my following writings.

Monkey See, Monkey Do
This one seemed a little out of place for the book, despite the title. It also had too many photos that only look good in colour.

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  function openDialog(url) { $("
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好吧,你不应该被要求这样做,但是当我遇到同样的问题时,我发现的最简单/最快的解决方法是在创建一个新方法之前调用对话框的destroy方法。 所以你会尝试这样的事情:








基本上,叠加是一个jQuery错误,我不得不四处搜索一个解决方法,因为我发现你的resize方法有一点缺陷:P所以你可以做的是将openDialog方法行改为(我们不会调用adjustJQueryDialogOverlay方法) ):

 $(this).dialog("option", "position", ['center', 'center'] ); $(this).dialog("open"); 


 function openDialog(url) { $("
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