
我是jQuery和堆栈溢出的新手,所以我会尝试具体,但请耐心等待。 我正在尝试从头开始创建一个带有相关链接的文本滑块,使用模数迭代列表并重复。


ul#text { position: relative; margin-bottom: 40px; height: 40px; } ul#text li { position: absolute; display: none; } .active { font-weight: bold; } 
  • Suffering is not a result of physical pain alone. It can be compounded by changes in one's life, and changes in the self. We understand, and we can help.
  • Aggressive assessment of physical symptoms & pain in the body are key to support the best possible quality of life.
  • Chronic pain & illness may affect your role in your family. We work with you and your family as you confront those changes.
  • Chronic pain and illness make even everyday activities challenging. We will help you maintain independence and physical function.
  • Changes in the physical body mean changes in the self. We will provide support as you navigate those changes in the psyche.
 $(document).ready(function () { function fadeAndMove() { var nextLi = $("#text > li:nth-child(" + i % 5 + ")"); var nextA = $("#vivid_buttons > li:nth-child(" + i % 5 + ") > a"); nextLi.fadeIn(1000, function () { $("#vivid_buttons > li > a").removeClass("active"); nextA.addClass("active"); setTimeout(function () { nextLi.fadeOut(1000); }, 4000); }); } for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { fadeAndMove($("#text")); } }); 

用简单的语言,我想淡化第一个列表中的一个句子,并突出显示底部列表中的相应链接。 然后我希望它淡出并移动到下一个项目。




示例: http //jsfiddle.net/drWhE/

 $(document).ready(function () { // cache the LI elements var $lis = $("#text > li"); var $aLis = $("#vivid_buttons > li"); function fadeAndMove( currentIndex ) { var nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % 5; var nextLi = $lis.eq( nextIndex ); nextLi.fadeIn(1000, function () { $aLis.eq( currentIndex ).children('a').removeClass("active"); $aLis.eq( nextIndex ).children('a').addClass("active"); setTimeout(function () { nextLi.fadeOut(1000, function() { // Call fadeAndMove() passing nextIndex as the new currentIndex fadeAndMove( nextIndex ); }); }, 4000); }); } // Get it started on index 0 fadeAndMove( 0 ); }); 



 li1.fadeIn li2.fadeIn | li3.fadeIn | | li4.fadeIn | | | Timers li5.fadeIn V | | | wait four li1.fadeOut V | | | seconds li2.fadeOut V | | li3.fadeOut V | li4.fadeOut V li5.fadeOut li1.fadeIn li2.fadeIn . . . etc, etc, ad nauseam. 


 nextLi.fadeIn(1000, function () { $("#vivid_buttons > li > a").removeClass("active"); nextA.addClass("active"); setTimeout(function () { nextLi.fadeOut(1000); fadeAndMove(i + 1); }, 4000); }); 



 var $sentence_set = $('ul#text > li'); var $link_set = $('ul#vivid_buttons > li'); var highlight = function(which) { var el = $sentence_set.eq(which - 1); var position = el.prevAll('li').length; $link_set.removeClass('active').eq(position).addClass('active'); $sentence_set.eq(position).siblings().fadeOut().end().fadeIn(); } var loopcount = 0; var repeater = setInterval(function() { var theList = $('#text > li'); highlight(++loopcount % $sentence_set.length); }, 4000);​ 

这是小提琴 。

并且…橙色酒吧告诉我帕特里克dw打败我类似的东西。 好吧,无论如何它在这里。