
我的项目的主要目标是拥有可resize的flexbox div视图。 我为#v1#v2可resize的列。 我也有可以resize的行,句柄是蓝色部分。 现在我正在努力使窗户高度变化时行的高度保持高度比。 我的方法有什么问题/为什么它没有按预期工作?


我的方法:使用jQuery $(window).onResize() 。 测量最后记录的高度与当前新高度之间的差异并计算差异。 将此差异传递给名为resizeRows的函数,该函数将计算的差值作为参数。 然后resizeRows将差异拆分并将其添加到3行中。 逻辑可以在发布的JS代码的底部找到

问题:奇怪的行为。 行似乎不保持其原始高度比。




 var mouseStartPosition = {}; var v1StartWidth, v2StartWidth, r1StartHeight, r2StartHeight, r3StartHeight; var views_cntnr = document.getElementById('views-cntnr'); var views_cntnr_height = views_cntnr.offsetHeight; // rows var r1 = document.getElementById('r1'); var r2 = document.getElementById('r2'); var r3 = document.getElementById('r3'); // views var v1 = document.getElementById('v1'); var v2 = document.getElementById('v2'); // handles var r1_lr_handle = document.getElementById('r1-l-r'); var r1_r2_ud = document.getElementById('r1-r2-u-d'); var r2_r3_ud = document.getElementById('r2-r3-u-d'); r1_lr_handle.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownR1LR); r1_r2_ud.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownR1R2UD); r2_r3_ud.addEventListener("mousedown", mousedownR2R3UD); var init_r1_ratio = 0.4; var init_r2_ratio = 0.3; var init_r3_ratio = 0.3; initRowHeights(); function initRowHeights() { console.log(views_cntnr_height); r1.style.flexBasis = views_cntnr_height*init_r1_ratio + 'px'; r2.style.flexBasis = views_cntnr_height*init_r2_ratio + 'px'; r3.style.flexBasis = views_cntnr_height*init_r3_ratio + 'px'; } /* V1 V2 WIDTH RESIZE */ function mousedownR1LR(e) { // get v1 width v1StartWidth = v1.offsetWidth; v2StartWidth = v2.offsetWidth; // get mouse position mouseStartPosition.x = e.pageX; mouseStartPosition.y = e.pageY; // add listeners for mousemove, mouseup window.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR1LR); window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR1LR); } function mousemoveR1LR(e) { var diff = mouseStartPosition.x - e.pageX; v1.style.flexBasis = v1StartWidth + -1 * diff + 'px'; v2.style.flexBasis = v2StartWidth + diff + 'px'; } function mouseupR1LR(e) { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR1LR); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR1LR); } /* v1 v2 width resize */ /* R1 R2 HEIGHT RESIZE */ function mousedownR1R2UD(e) { // get R1 R2 height r1StartHeight = r1.offsetHeight; r2StartHeight = r2.offsetHeight; // get mouse position mouseStartPosition.x = e.pageX; mouseStartPosition.y = e.pageY; // add listeners for mousemove, mouseup window.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR1R2UD); window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR1R2UD); } function mousemoveR1R2UD(e) { var diff = mouseStartPosition.y - e.pageY; r1.style.flexBasis = r1StartHeight + -1 * diff + 'px'; r2.style.flexBasis = r2StartHeight + 1 * diff + 'px'; } function mouseupR1R2UD(e) { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR1R2UD); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR1R2UD); } /* r1 r2 height resize */ /* R2 R3 HEIGHT RESIZE */ function mousedownR2R3UD(e) { // get R2 R3 height r2StartHeight = r2.offsetHeight; r3StartHeight = r3.offsetHeight; // get mouse position mouseStartPosition.x = e.pageX; mouseStartPosition.y = e.pageY; // add listeners for mousemove, mouseup window.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR2R3UD); window.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR2R3UD); } function mousemoveR2R3UD(e) { var diff = mouseStartPosition.y - e.pageY; r2.style.flexBasis = r2StartHeight + -1 * diff + 'px'; } function mouseupR2R3UD(e) { window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveR2R3UD); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseupR2R3UD); } /* r2 r3 height resize */ function resizeRows(pixels) { var increase = pixels/3; r1.style.flexBasis = parseInt(r1.style.flexBasis) + increase + 'px'; r2.style.flexBasis = parseInt(r2.style.flexBasis) + increase + 'px'; r3.style.flexBasis = parseInt(r3.style.flexBasis) + increase + 'px'; }; $(window).resize(function() { var new_views_cntnr_height = views_cntnr.offsetHeight; var height_change = new_views_cntnr_height - views_cntnr_height; views_cntnr_height = new_views_cntnr_height; resizeRows(height_change); }); html, body { height: 100%; } /* VIEWS */ /* VIEW HEADERS */ .v-header { position: relative; padding: 3px; border-bottom: #bfbfbf 1px solid; background-color: #1a1b1c; color: #ccc; font-weight: 900; font-size: 16px; } .v-title { position: relative; left: 35px; } #v4 .v-title { left: 6px; } /*VIEW BTNS */ .vh-btn { padding: 2px 8px; border-radius: 4px; font-size: 10px; background-color: #343436; color: white; border: black 1px solid; position: absolute; top: 4px; } .vh-btn:hover { background-color: #4d4d50; } .v-settings { left: 6px; } .v-close { right: 5px; } /* view btns */ /* view headers */ #views-cntnr { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100%; } /* HANDLES */ #r1-lr { background-color: DodgerBlue; width: 6px; cursor: col-resize; } .row-handle { background-color: DodgerBlue; height: 6px; cursor: row-resize; } /* handles */ /* ROWS */ /* ROW 1 */ #r1 { display: flex; } #r1 .view { flex-grow: 1; border: #bfbfbf 1px solid; border-top: none; border-right: none; } #r1 .view:last-child { border-left: none; } /* row 1 */ /* ROW 2 */ #r2 .view { border: #bfbfbf 1px solid; border-top: none; flex-grow: 1; } #r2 { display: flex; } /* row 2 */ /* ROW 3 */ #r3 .view { border: #bfbfbf 1px solid; border-top: none; flex-grow: 1; } #r3 { display: flex; } /* row 3 */ /* rows */ /* views */ 

我能够相当简单地完成效果 – 在这里编写代码。

确保为每一行指定一个flex-basis,用javascript改变它以完成拖动效果。 在窗口resize时,元素将自动适应容器,因此您无需在resize时对窗口大惊小怪。




 body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .wrap { display: flex; flex-direction: column; background: white; height: 100vh; } .row { flex-basis: 100px; border: 4px solid #333; border-top: none; } .handle { height: 15px; background: lightblue; cursor: move; } 


 $(document).ready(function(){ $('.row').mousedown(function(event){ // They have dragged a row // Adjust the flex-basis of the previous row // Since index is 0 based and the rows are 1 based, use the index with the row to select the previous one var this_index = $(this).index() var selected_id = (this_index == 0) ? selected_id = '' : selected_id = '#row-' + this_index // Get starting flex-basis as int var starting_basis = $(selected_id).css('flex-basis') starting_basis = starting_basis.substr(0, starting_basis.length - 2) starting_basis = Number(starting_basis) var start_y = event.pageY $(document).mousemove(function(event){ // Change flex basis as mouse moves y_pos = event.pageY - start_y var new_flex_basis = starting_basis + y_pos new_flex_basis += 'px' $(selected_id).css('flex-basis', new_flex_basis) }) }) $(document).mouseup(function(){ $(document).off('mousemove') }) })