基于滑动事件在jQuery Mobile中更新菜单


这是我工作的JSFiddle,允许点击和滑动: http : //jsfiddle.net/QFX5x/1/


$(document).live("pagebeforeshow", function() { var obj = $.mobile.path.parseUrl(window.location.href); var newPage = '.' + obj.hash; alert(newPage); //$(newPage).addClass("active"); //$(newPage).siblings().removeClass("active"); }); 

当我想模仿某种类型的事件时,我只使用.trigger()在正确的元素上触发该事件,而不是重写我的代码以在两种不同的情况下运行事件处理程序。 由于您的代码适用于click事件,因此您可以根据当前active list-item在正确的链接上触发click事件:

 $(function(){ //cache all of the list-items in the navigation div var $nav = $('#nav').children().children(), //also cache the number of list-items found totNav = $nav.length; //notice the use of `.on()` rather than `.live()` since the latter is depreciated $(document).on('swipeleft', '.ui-page', function() { //get the next index based on the current list-item with the `active` class var next = ($nav.filter('.active').index() + 1); //if you're already on the last page then stop the function and do nothing if (next === totNav) { return; //you could use this next line to wrap to the beginning rather than not doing anything //next = 0; } //trigger a `click` event on the link within the list-item at the next index $nav.eq(next).children().trigger('click'); //notice I'm chaining the `.on()` function calls on the `$(document)` selection }).on('swiperight', '.ui-page', function() { //get the previous index var prev = ($nav.filter('.active').index() - 1); if (prev === -1) { return; //you could use this next line to wrap to the beginning rather than not doing anything //prev = (totNav - 1); } $nav.eq(prev).children().trigger('click'); }).on('click', '#nav a', function(e) { //more chaining $(this).parent().addClass("active").siblings().removeClass("active"); }); });​ 

这是一个演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/QFX5x/4/