
我有以下的Capybara测试,它应该点击并更改评论的内容。 问题是内容表单被加载到一个模式中,该模式在单击编辑按钮时弹出,并且我的模态未在测试中呈现。 (此function适用于应用程序)。 save_and_open_page打开一个只包含json对象的页面。


require 'spec_helper' describe 'Edit comment' do let(:commented_post) { FactoryGirl.create(:post_with_comments) } describe "when current_user is the comment's author" do it 'should edit the comment content' do visit post_path(commented_post) within ("#comment-#{}") do click_on "edit" end Capybara.default_wait_time = 15 save_and_open_page fill_in 'comment_content', with: 'No, this is the best comment' click_on 'Edit Comment' expect(page).to have_content('No, this is the best comment') end end end 


 var EditForm = { init: function() { $('.get-edit-comment').on('ajax:success', this.showEditModal); }, showEditModal: function(e, data) { e.preventDefault(); $('.reveal-modal').html(data.edit_template); $('.reveal-modal').foundation('reveal', 'open'); } } $(document).ready( function() { EditForm.init(); }); 


  def edit @post = Post.find_by_id(params[:post_id]) @comment = Comment.find_by_id(params[:id]) render :json => { edit_template: render_to_string(:partial => 'comments/form', :locals => {post: @post, comment: @comment}) } end def update Comment.find_by_id(params[:id]).update(comment_params) redirect_to post_path(params[:post_id]) end 



  describe "when current_user is the comment's author", js: true do it 'should edit the comment content' do visit post_path(commented_post) within ("#comment-#{}") do click_on "edit" end fill_in 'comment_content', with: 'No, this is the best comment' click_on 'Edit Comment' expect(page).to have_content('No, this is the best comment') end end