Google Maps API v3:routeIndex无效?

我正在使用Google Maps API v3,并尝试提供“显示下一个路线”按钮,用户可以循环浏览所有可用路线。


难道我做错了什么? 代码贴在下面。 我一直在使用的测试路线共有三条路线。 如果我将routeIndex属性设置为1,它仍然显示数组中的第一个路由(基本上是routeIndex [0])。

function showDirections() { // show contact buttons $(".contact-route-button").css({display:"block"}); // add 1 to count count++; // If this function has been run before, clear the directions if(count > 1){ // Clear map directionsDisplay.setMap(null); //Clear Route List document.getElementById('directions').innerHTML = ""; } // Set map to render directions directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({ map: map, /*preserveViewport: true,*/ draggable: true, routeIndex: 1 }); // Remove hidden class form text explaning driving directions $('#drive-text').fadeIn("fast").removeClass('hidden'); // Hide paragraph under directions form $(".section.grids-two.maximum-780.clearfix .grid.grid-2").fadeOut("fast"); // SlideToggle panel about random fact $(".random-fact").slideDown("fast").css({display:"block"}); // Set Panel that will display driving directions directionsDisplay.setPanel(document.getElementById('directions')); // Get address input text var address = document.getElementById('dir-address').value; // Create request to send to Google starting at the address provided var request = { origin: address, destination: '531 E Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46204', travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.STANDARD, provideRouteAlternatives: true }; // Send request and display on map and directions box directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { directionsDisplay.setDirections(response); totalRoutes = countRoutes(response); } }); } 

有任何想法吗? 我所关注的说明位于Google Maps API文档中,


看起来routeIndex仅在directions中提供directions -property时才有效。 你可以使用:


…什么将设置, directionsrouteIndex