Jquery scrollTo在IE7中出现问题

我有一个页面,使用jQuery的scrollTo插件来管理一些function。 如果要从登录页面重置密码,它会滚动到新表单而不是将用户带到新页面。 当然,除了IE7之外,一切都运行良好。 这是我的HTML:

Registered Members Log-in Here


Forgot Password?

Forgot your password?

Enter your Email Address to reset your password

By selecting ‘Reset Password’ you certify that the email address contained in this field is your email address.

Confirmation Sent

Please check your email for instructions
on resetting your password.

Your confirmation email will come from donotreply@mygrizzly.com. Be sure to add this to your spam filter so you will be able to receive this email.

Return to login screen


 .login #content #blocksWrapper { background: url(../images/login/bgBlock.png); height: 127px; margin: 0 0 50px 9px; overflow: hidden; padding: 20px 18px; width: 437px; } .login #content #blocks { height: 127px; overflow: hidden; width: 1377px; } .login #content .block { float: left; height: 127px; margin-right: 18px; position: relative; width: 441px; } 


 $('#forgot a').click(function() { $('#blocksWrapper').scrollTo({left: 459, top: 0}, 400); return false; }); $('#formPasswordSubmit').click(function() { $('#blocksWrapper').scrollTo({left: 918, top: 0}, 400); return false; }); $('#confirm h4 a').click(function() { $('#blocksWrapper').scrollTo({left: 0, top: 0}, 200); return false; }); 


如您所见,它在除IE7之外的所有浏览器中都能正常工作。 在IE7中,它滚动#blocksWrapper div的背景而不是#blocks div的内容。 由于某些原因,IE7也没有隐藏溢出。 有人有主意吗?




 .login #content #blocksWrapper { background: url(../images/login/bgBlock.png); height: 127px; margin: 0 0 50px 9px; overflow: hidden; padding: 20px 18px; position: relative; width: 437px; }