



假设您的ul具有theListid ,以下是执行此操作的一种方法。


或者,对于基于Marek Tihkan发布的更简洁的版本,您可以使用以下内容替换each()循环。 不确定这是否会表现更好或更差。

 $('#theList > li:not(:contains(' + value + '))').hide(); $('#theList > li:contains(' + value + ')').show(); 


该function还用于过滤元素,其首字母大写(例如带有名称)。 因此排序过滤。 如果您输入’An’或’an’,那么您将从这些字母开始获取列表中的所有元素(例如,Anthony将匹配但Fanny no)。

 function filter (element,what) { var value = $(element).val(); value = value.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[az]/g, function(letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); if (value == '') { $(what+' > a > li').show(); } else { $(what + ' > a > li:not(:contains(' + value + '))').hide(); $(what + ' > a > li:contains(' + value + ')').show(); } }; 




 $('li').hide(); $('li:contains(' + needle + ')').show(); 

您可以使用由John Resig从php移植到jQuery的LiveQuery 。

注意 :它依赖于PHP方法中的Quicksilver的score方法 ,该方法已被LiquidMetal.score和joshaven的string.score移植到JavaScript。





 // https://github.com/joshaven/string_score String.prototype.score = function (word, fuzziness) { 'use strict'; // If the string is equal to the word, perfect match. if (this === word) { return 1; } //if it's not a perfect match and is empty return 0 if (word === "") { return 0; } var runningScore = 0, charScore, finalScore, string = this, lString = string.toLowerCase(), strLength = string.length, lWord = word.toLowerCase(), wordLength = word.length, idxOf, startAt = 0, fuzzies = 1, fuzzyFactor, i; // Cache fuzzyFactor for speed increase if (fuzziness) { fuzzyFactor = 1 - fuzziness; } // Walk through word and add up scores. // Code duplication occurs to prevent checking fuzziness inside for loop if (fuzziness) { for (i = 0; i < wordLength; i+=1) { // Find next first case-insensitive match of a character. idxOf = lString.indexOf(lWord[i], startAt); if (idxOf === -1) { fuzzies += fuzzyFactor; } else { if (startAt === idxOf) { // Consecutive letter & start-of-string Bonus charScore = 0.7; } else { charScore = 0.1; // Acronym Bonus // Weighing Logic: Typing the first character of an acronym is as if you // preceded it with two perfect character matches. if (string[idxOf - 1] === ' ') { charScore += 0.8; } } // Same case bonus. if (string[idxOf] === word[i]) { charScore += 0.1; } // Update scores and startAt position for next round of indexOf runningScore += charScore; startAt = idxOf + 1; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < wordLength; i+=1) { idxOf = lString.indexOf(lWord[i], startAt); if (-1 === idxOf) { return 0; } if (startAt === idxOf) { charScore = 0.7; } else { charScore = 0.1; if (string[idxOf - 1] === ' ') { charScore += 0.8; } } if (string[idxOf] === word[i]) { charScore += 0.1; } runningScore += charScore; startAt = idxOf + 1; } } // Reduce penalty for longer strings. finalScore = 0.5 * (runningScore / strLength + runningScore / wordLength) / fuzzies; if ((lWord[0] === lString[0]) && (finalScore < 0.85)) { finalScore += 0.15; } return finalScore; }; // http://ejohn.org/apps/livesearch/jquery.livesearch.js jQuery.fn.liveUpdate = function(list) { list = jQuery(list); if (list.length) { var rows = list.children('li'), cache = rows.map(function() { return this.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); }); this .keyup(filter).keyup() .parents('form').submit(function() { return false; }); } return this; function filter() { var term = jQuery.trim(jQuery(this).val().toLowerCase()), scores = []; if (!term) { rows.show(); } else { rows.hide(); cache.each(function(i) { var score = this.score(term); if (score > 0) { scores.push([score, i]); } }); jQuery.each(scores.sort(function(a, b) { return b[0] - a[0]; }), function() { jQuery(rows[this[1]]).show(); }); } } }; $("#search").liveUpdate("#colors"); 
  • Cat Book
  • Dog Basket
  • Bear Cub
  • Car Door
  • Another option
  • Another Animal
 // Just a shorter version $('ul>li').hide().has(':contains(' + needle + ')').show(); // case insensitive searching with animation $("ul>li").slideUp().filter( function() { return $(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(needle) > -1 }).stop(true).fadeIn();