
我想将列值加到代码末尾的总数中。 我正在使用Jquery datatable数据表通过此代码过滤记录但无法编写总数的代码。我也tried footer callback of datatable但没有获得所需的结果。

        $(document).ready(function(){ $.datepicker.regional[""].dateFormat = 'dd/mm/yy'; $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['']); $('#example').dataTable({ "aoColumns": [{}, ] } ) .columnFilter({ sPlaceHolder: "head:before", aoColumns: [ { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "date-range", sRangeFormat: "From Date{from} To Date {to}" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" }, { type: "hidden" } ], "fnFooterCallback": function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { /* * Calculate the total market share for all browsers in this table (ie inc. outside * the pagination) */ var iTotalMarket = 0; for ( var i=0 ; i<aaData.length ; i++ ) { iTotalMarket += aaData[i][11]*1; } /* Calculate the market share for browsers on this page */ var iPageMarket = 0; for ( var i=iStart ; i<iEnd ; i++ ) { iPageMarket += aaData[ aiDisplay[i] ][11]*1; } /* Modify the footer row to match what we want */ var nCells = nRow.getElementsByTagName('th'); nCells[1].innerHTML = parseInt(iPageMarket * 100)/100 + '% ('+ parseInt(iTotalMarket * 100)/100 +'% total)'; } }); });    
Agent Code Agent Name Designation Account No. Customer Name Plan No. Invoice Bill Amt. Bill Date Pay Date Insta. No. Earning Remark

以下是解决方案: – 使用页脚回调函数执行此操作。 每次抽奖都会运行此回调。 因此,无论何时更改表的内容,此函数都会运行并更改页面总薪水。

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工作演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/ishandemon/tb058mLq/2/

看起来您在columnFilter init选项中定义了页脚回调,而不是在dataTable init选项中定义 – 我不希望它在那里工作。