AJAX将多个数据发布到ASP.Net MVC

我通过ajax jquery将多个对象发布到MVC 4控制器时遇到问题。 已经好几周了,但我似乎无法找到解决方案。 我尝试了几种方法,有时filterModel对象为null,有时字符串参数为null(即使我指定了contentType或不指定contentType也无关紧要)

我想要的是? 我想传递三个对象:1。filterModel 2.testparamA 3.testparamB如何将所有三个对象传递给MVC控制器? 我需要在数据中写什么:所以我得到所有3个对象值?


[HttpPost] public JsonResult Test(string testparamA, string testparamB, FilterModel filter) { using (RBSystemEntities repository = new RBSystemEntities()) { return Json(new { DataList = repository.Items.Select(x => new {x.PKID, x.ItemName}).ToList(), Result = "OK" }); } } 


 var filterModel = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(new FilterModel("ItemName", "Pepperoni Pizza"))) //filterModel = JSON.stringify(filterModel); function testme() { // post the javascript variable back to the controller $.ajax({ url: '/Menu/Test', type: 'POST', //contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', data: { filter: filterModel, testparamA: 'A value', testparamB: 'B value' }, // with this approach I get filterModel null in the controller however testparamA and testparamB has values data: filterModel, // with this approach I get values for filterModel but I can't pass testparamA and testparamB success: function (result) { // TODO: do something with the results alert('success'); } }); } testme(); 


 public class FilterModel { public FilterModel() { } public FilterModel(string filtercolumn, string filtervalue) { this.FilterColumn = filtercolumn; this.FilterValue = filtervalue; this.FilterColumnCriteria = "="; } public string FilterColumn { get; set; } public string FilterValue { get; set; } public string FilterColumnCriteria { get; set; } } 



 JSON.stringify({ fm: filterModel, ta: testparamA, tb: testparamA }) 



 contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', // uncomment this data: JSON.stringify({ filter: filterModel, testparamA: 'A value', testparamB: 'B value' }), //stringify whole thing and not just c# class