
我需要使用jquery为网站创建自定义滑块。 到目前为止,我已经设法让它按照我想要的方式运行,如果我点击一个按钮,但我想实现一个自动计时器,这样幻灯片将在5秒后切换。


function MasterSlider() { //store the current button ID var current_button = $(this).attr('id'); //reset all the items $('#slider ul a').removeClass('slider-button-active'); //set current item as active $(this).addClass('slider-button-active'); //scroll it to the right position $('.mask').scrollTo($(this).attr('rel'), 850); //Check which button is pressed and fade the text accordingly if(current_button == "slider_item1") { $('#slider h3').fadeOut().removeClass('caption_active'); $('#slider_caption1').fadeIn().addClass('caption_active'); } else if(current_button == "slider_item2") { $('#slider h3').fadeOut().removeClass('caption_active'); $('#slider_caption2').fadeIn().addClass('caption_active'); } else if(current_button == "slider_item3") { $('#slider h3').fadeOut().removeClass('caption_active'); $('#slider_caption3').fadeIn().addClass('caption_active'); } //disable click event return false; } //append click event to the UL list anchor tag $('#slider ul a').click(MasterSlider); 


您可以在setInterval a元素上动态触发click()

 var intv; var current = 0; // STARTING SLIDE(
  • element button) INDEX var slN = $('#slider li').length; // get number of slides(buttons.. all the same) // your function here with // clearInterval(intv); // in the second line. // In third line put: // current = $(this).closest('li').index(); // AUTO SLIDE function auto(){ intv = setInterval(function() { $('#slider ul li').eq( current++%slN ).find('a').click(); }, 5000 ); } auto(); // to start immediately auto-slide // PAUSE ON MOUSEOVER $('#slider').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){ var onMouEnt = e.type=='mouseenter' ? clearInterval(intv) : auto() ; });
    • 由于current++%slN ,一旦触发了最后一个按钮, auto函数将循环
    • PAUSE事件在您的图库上检测mouseentermouseleave事件,并使用三元运算符执行:

     $('#slider').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){ // catch eVENT var onMouEnt = e.type=='mouseenter' ? // if e IS mouseenter clearInterval(intv) : // clear autoslide interval auto() ; // else (is mouseleave) run 'auto' fn }); 


      function hi(){ //Your code here } //set an interval setInterval(hi, 30000);