jQuery – 如何分离依赖于同一对象的两个对象?


我遇到的问题是得到的问题依赖于同一个问题和相同的答案,所以当我迭代JSON时,它会同时显示它们,同时第二个问题假设只有当所有相关答案都满足时才出现,所以我需要一种方法分开他们。 目前,Id 8和9的问题具有相同的依赖性答案,但问题9具有一个依赖性。


var questions = [ //questions before these { Id: 6, ProductGroups: [{ ProductGroupId: 1, show: false }, { ProductGroupId: 2, show: true } ], //dependant answer(s) DependantAnswers: [{ QuestionId: 1, answer: "" }] }, { Id: 7, //guid ProductGroups: [{ ProductGroupId: 1, show: false }, { ProductGroupId: 2, show: false } ], //dependant answer(s) DependantAnswers: [{ QuestionId: 6, answer: "male" }] }, { Id: 8, //guid ProductGroups: [{ ProductGroupId: 1, show: false }, { ProductGroupId: 2, show: false } ], //dependant answer(s) DependantAnswers: [{ QuestionId: 6, answer: "female" } ] }, { Id: 9, //guid ProductGroups: [{ ProductGroupId: 1, show: false }, { ProductGroupId: 2, show: false } ], //dependant answer(s) DependantAnswers: [{ QuestionId: 6, answer: "female" }, { QuestionId: 8, answer: "yes" } ] } ]; 


 function onQuestionSelectChange() { $("#questionsContainer div select").change(function () { var selectedValue = $(this).val(); var selectedQuestion = $(this).parent().attr('id').split('-'); var selectedQuestionId = selectedQuestion[1]; var potentialQuestions = []; //var filteredQuestions = []; $.each(questions, function(index, element) { $.each(element.DependantAnswers, function (indexDepAnswer, elemDepAnswer){ if(elemDepAnswer.answer == selectedValue) potentialQuestions.push(element); }); }); //here I need to separate question 8 from 9 and show only question 8 }); } 

使用上面的代码,我得到一个由问题8和9填充的2个对象的数组,但问题9只有在问题8的回答值为“是”时才需要出现。 无论我尝试过什么“if”,问题9就像问题8一样传递,因为它具有相同的依赖性答案。 如何在问题8中选择“是”之后才能过滤问题9并显示它?




 var questionsCompleted = Object.create(null); function onQuestionSelectChange() { $("#questionsContainer div select").change(function() { var selectedValue = $(this).val(); var selectedQuestion = $(this).parent().attr('id').split('-'); var selectedQuestionId = selectedQuestion[1]; var potentialQuestions = []; //var filteredQuestions = []; // Update the Hashmap questionsCompleted[selectedQuestionId] = selectedValue; // Check all the questions for the next potential question. The next potential question will be the one whose all dependent question are already answered $.each(questions, function(index, element) { var fulfilled = 0; $.each(element.DependantAnswers, function(indexDepAnswer, elemDepAnswer) { if (elemDepAnswer.answer === questionsCompleted[element.Id]) fulfilled++; }); if (fulfilled === element.DependantAnswers.length) // All dependency fulfilled potentialQuestions.push(element); }); //here I need to separate question 8 from 9 and show only question 8 }); } 


这是一种方法,您可以在其中获得一系列已经回答的问题,以便您可以跟踪哪些有效的问题可以显示。 我相信你可以优化它,但是这个是以一种相当简单的方式展示如何做到这一点。 希望这可以帮助。

 let selectedValue = 'female'; // Push selectedValue into some array to keep track of current answers let selectedValues = [ {QuestionId: 1, answer: 'q1'}, {QuestionId: 2, answer: 'q2'}, {QuestionId: 3, answer: 'q3'}, {QuestionId: 4, answer: 'q4'}, {QuestionId: 5, answer: 'q5'}, {QuestionId: 6, answer: 'female'} ]; let resultingQuestions = []; questions.filter((q) => { return q.DependantAnswers.find((dp) => { return dp.answer === selectedValue; }); }).filter((pq) => { let validQuestion; pq.DependantAnswers.forEach((da) => { validQuestion = selectedValues.find((sv) => { return sv.QuestionId === da.QuestionId && sv.answer === da.answer; }); }); if (validQuestion) { resultingQuestions.push(pq); } });