
有没有办法使用PHP或JavaScript一次扫描单个图像中的多个条形码。 我用谷歌搜索,但只能扫描图像中的单个条形码。

我试过这段代码: https : //gist.github.com/tobytailor/421369

如果您找不到任何好的PHP或JavaScript条形码SDK,您可以尝试一些C / C ++ SDK。 我只是向您展示如何在JavaScript和PHP中包装C / C ++方法的示例。

这是一个包含多个条形码的图像。 在此处输入图像描述

您可以使用Dynamsoft Barcode SDK对图像进行解码,并将所有返回的结果转换为JavaScript或PHP数据类型。


#include  #include "If_DBR.h" #include "BarcodeFormat.h" #include "BarcodeStructs.h" #include "ErrorCode.h" #ifdef _WIN64 #pragma comment(lib, "DBRx64.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "DBRx86.lib") #endif using namespace v8; void SetOptions(pReaderOptions pOption, int option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage, int option_llBarcodeFormat){ if (option_llBarcodeFormat > 0) pOption->llBarcodeFormat = option_llBarcodeFormat; else pOption->llBarcodeFormat = OneD; if (option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage > 0) pOption->iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage; else pOption->iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = INT_MAX; } void DecodeFile(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent(); HandleScope scope(isolate); // convert v8 string to char * String::Utf8Value utfStr(args[0]->ToString()); char *pFileName = *utfStr; int option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = -1; int option_llBarcodeFormat = -1; pBarcodeResultArray pResults = NULL; ReaderOptions option; SetOptions(&option, option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage, option_llBarcodeFormat); // decode barcode image file int ret = DBR_DecodeFile( pFileName, &option, &pResults ); if (ret == DBR_OK){ int count = pResults->iBarcodeCount; pBarcodeResult* ppBarcodes = pResults->ppBarcodes; pBarcodeResult tmp = NULL; // javascript callback function Local cb = Local::Cast(args[1]); const unsigned argc = 1; // array for storing barcode results Local barcodeResults = Array::New(isolate); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp = ppBarcodes[i]; Local result = Object::New(isolate); result->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "format"), Number::New(isolate, tmp->llFormat)); result->Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "value"), String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, tmp->pBarcodeData)); barcodeResults->Set(Number::New(isolate, i), result); } // release memory DBR_FreeBarcodeResults(&pResults); Local argv[argc] = { barcodeResults }; cb->Call(isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(), argc, argv); } } void Init(Handle exports) { NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "decodeFile", DecodeFile); } NODE_MODULE(dbr, Init) 



 #include "php_dbr.h" #include "If_DBR.h" #include "BarcodeFormat.h" #include "BarcodeStructs.h" #include "ErrorCode.h" #ifdef _WIN64 #pragma comment(lib, "DBRx64.lib") #else #pragma comment(lib, "DBRx86.lib") #endif void SetOptions(pReaderOptions pOption, int option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage, int option_llBarcodeFormat){ if (option_llBarcodeFormat > 0) pOption->llBarcodeFormat = option_llBarcodeFormat; else pOption->llBarcodeFormat = OneD; if (option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage > 0) pOption->iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage; else pOption->iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = INT_MAX; } ZEND_FUNCTION(DecodeBarcodeFile); zend_function_entry CustomExtModule_functions[] = { ZEND_FE(DecodeBarcodeFile, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; zend_module_entry CustomExtModule_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, "Dynamsoft Barcode Reader", CustomExtModule_functions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NO_VERSION_YET, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; ZEND_GET_MODULE(CustomExtModule) ZEND_FUNCTION(DecodeBarcodeFile){ array_init(return_value); // Get Barcode image path char* pFileName = NULL; int iLen = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &pFileName, &iLen) == FAILURE) { RETURN_STRING("Invalid parameters", true); } // Dynamsoft Barcode Reader: init int option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage = -1; int option_llBarcodeFormat = -1; pBarcodeResultArray pResults = NULL; ReaderOptions option; SetOptions(&option, option_iMaxBarcodesNumPerPage, option_llBarcodeFormat); // decode barcode image file int ret = DBR_DecodeFile( pFileName, &option, &pResults ); if (ret == DBR_OK) { int count = pResults->iBarcodeCount; pBarcodeResult* ppBarcodes = pResults->ppBarcodes; pBarcodeResult tmp = NULL; // loop all results for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp = ppBarcodes[i]; // convert format type to string char format[64]; sprintf (format, "%d", tmp->llFormat); // (barcode type, result) add_assoc_string(return_value, format, tmp->pBarcodeData, 1); } // Dynamsoft Barcode Reader: release memory DBR_FreeBarcodeResults(&pResults); } else { RETURN_STRING("No Barcode detected", true); } } 


有关更多详细信息,请参阅GitHub中的示例代码。 https://github.com/Dynamsoft/Dynamsoft-Barcode-Reader/tree/master/samples/Node.js https://github.com/Dynamsoft/Dynamsoft-Barcode-Reader/tree/master/samples/PHP

您还可以使用类似于HP IDOL OnDemand(我为HP工作)的条形码识别API 。 我通过在线控制台运行上面的图像进行快速测试,并能够从图像文件中提取以下信息……

 { "barcode": [ { "text": "CODE128", "barcode_type": "code-128", "left": 1498, "top": 552, "width": 598, "height": 262, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "CODE39", "barcode_type": "code-39", "left": 300, "top": 552, "width": 768, "height": 262, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "0012345678905", "barcode_type": "ean-13", "left": 1480, "top": 1466, "width": 619, "height": 260, "additional_information": { "country": "US and Canada" } }, { "text": "1234567890128", "barcode_type": "ean-13", "left": 366, "top": 1922, "width": 584, "height": 260, "additional_information": { "country": "US (reserved for later use)" } }, { "text": "01234565", "barcode_type": "ean-8", "left": 1696, "top": 2022, "width": 390, "height": 160, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "012345", "barcode_type": "codabar", "left": 300, "top": 1010, "width": 672, "height": 260, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "CODE93", "barcode_type": "code-93", "left": 300, "top": 1466, "width": 730, "height": 260, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "00123456", "barcode_type": "i25", "left": 1501, "top": 1010, "width": 264, "height": 260, "additional_information": {} }, { "text": "00", "barcode_type": "i25", "left": 1394, "top": 1029, "width": 242, "height": 242, "additional_information": {} } ] }