
我正在使用Jquery UI Draggable。 我试图避免一旦接收到该项目的div达到限制就丢弃物品。 如下所示,这是我的代码。

$( "#grid-list" ).droppable({ over: function(event, ui) { count = 0; $("#grid-list").find("li").each(function () { count++; if(count > $("#grid-list").data("albumlist")){ alert("limit reached"); } }); } }); 

JS小提琴示例: http : //jsfiddle.net/r1Lnxby9/


尝试从html删除ondragstart="drag(event)"draggable="true"drag不会出现在js定义; 设置tolerance:"touch" at .droppable()选项; 用$("> li", this).length替换$("> li", this).lengthcount$("#grid-list").each() ; >= for >如果预期结果是.droppable()元素中最多1元素; over事件中调用event.preventDefault()event.stopPropagation()

  $("#list-albuns, #grid-list").sortable({ connectWith: ".connectedSortable" }).disableSelection(); $("#grid-list").droppable({ tolerance: "touch", over: function(event, ui) { if ($("> li", this).length >= $(this).data("albumlist")) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); alert("limit"); } } }); 
 ul li { display: inline-block; list-style: none; } 
  • Appetite for Destruction
  • Use Your Illusion II
  • 40 Seasons - The Best Of Skid Row
  • Danger Danger
  • Screw It [Italy Bonus Tracks]
  • Detonator
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