
我有一个json文件,我想构建一个表单,允许我在文件中添加/编辑元素。 是否有一个jQuery函数/方法,允许我能够在外部json文件中发布和追加元素?


[ { "cast" : "", "director" : "", "genre" : "", "id" : false, "nrVotes" : 0, "plot" : "", "rating" : 0, "runtime" : 0, "title" : "", "year" : false }, { "cast" : "Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton, ", "director" : "Frank Darabont", "genre" : "Crime Drama ", "id" : "0111161", "nrVotes" : 968510, "plot" : "Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.", "rating" : 9.3000000000000007, "runtime" : 142, "title" : "The Shawshank Redemption", "year" : "1994" }] 

非常感谢你提前!! (:

如果您使用的是jQuery的getJSON或parseJSON() ,那么您可以使用javascript对象进行操作。 例如:

 $.getJSON( "/test.json", function( data ) { // now data is JSON converted to an object / array for you to use. alert( data[1].cast ) // Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton var newMovie = {cast:'Jack Nicholson', director:...} // a new movie object // add a new movie to the set data.push(newMovie); }); 

您现在要做的就是保存文件。 您可以使用jQuery.post()将文件发送回服务器以便为您保存。


 //inside getJSON() var newData = JSON.stringify(data); jQuery.post('http://example.com/saveJson.php', { newData: newData }, function(response){ // response could contain the url of the newly saved file }) 


 $updatedData = $_POST['newData']; // please validate the data you are expecting for security file_put_contents('path/to/thefile.json', $updatedData); //return the url to the saved file 


 { "employees":[ { "email":"11BD1A05G9", "password":"INTRODUCTION TO ANALYTICS", "nickname":4 }, { "email":"Betty", "password":"Layers", "nickname":4 }, { "email":"Carl", "password":"Louis", "nickname":4 }, { "name":"sadaadad", "password":"sadaadad", "nickname":"sadaadad" }, { "name":"sadaadad", "password":"sadaadad", "nickname":"sadaadad" }, { "name":"sadaadad", "password":"sadaadad", "nickname":"sadaadad" } ] }