
我刚刚看到John Resig提出的谷歌技术讲座,他说jQuery作为一个arrays运行。 按照这个建议,我一直在玩一个子类arrays,它工作得很好但是我一直在查看jQuery源代码并且看不到他们使用了相同的方法

jQuery.prototype = new Array();

我甚至无法看到它使用调用/ apply的原生Array.prototype.methods或窗口中的原型链。$ object,所以我想知道jQuery对象如何返回所选元素的数组。




 ;(function(window, document, undefined){ function MyLib(){}; // prototype constructor functions function Core(){}; function Methods(){}; // create new instance of the MyLib object and call the construct method function myLib(selector){ return new MyLib().construct(selector); } // allow adding new methods to the prototype from the window. // eg $.extend('module', 'name', 'function') myLib.extend = function(module, name, fn){ if(typeof fn === 'function'){ if(!MyLib.prototype[module][name]){ MyLib.prototype[module][name] = fn; } } else if(typeof fn === 'object'){ for(var key in fn){ if(!MyLib.prototype[module][key]){ MyLib.prototype[module][key] = fn[key]; } } } else { throw new Error("invalid type, function or objects are required"); } } MyLib.prototype = new Array(); MyLib.prototype.core = new Core(); MyLib.prototype.methods = new Methods(); MyLib.prototype.construct = function(selector){ var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(selector); Array.prototype.push.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(elems, 0, elems.length)); return this; }; // access to prototype objects with $.core && $.methods myLib.core = MyLib.prototype.core; myLib.methods = MyLib.prototype.methods; // give the window access to the constructor function window.$ = myLib; // give the window access to the prototype object for debugging window.$$ = MyLib; })(window, document); // this adds a new method to the methods object within the prototype $.extend('methods', 'test', function(){alert('method successfully added')}); // the added method can be accessed with $.methods.test(); // or $('tagName').test(); 



  • 有一个名为length的相关属性
  • 有属性"0""1"length-1 (你可以跳过一些)


 var a = { length: 2, "0": 'first', "1": 'second' } var b = [].slice.call(a); // yes, Array functions work ! console.log(b); // logs ["first", "second"] 


 var A = function(){ this.length = 2; this['0'] = 'first'; this['1'] = 'second'; } A.prototype.slice = [].slice; A.prototype.splice = [].splice; var a = new A, b = a.slice(); console.log(a); // logs ["first", "second"] because of the splice function console.log(Array.isArray(a)); console.log(b); // logs ["first", "second"] because it's really an array console.log(Array.isArray(b)); // true 
