

var my_array= [ [2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]] ] 

my_array的数组包含另外两个数组(第一个不是必需的,但是看第二个( myarray[1] :这个数组包含不同的x / y坐标[18, 4]


 var result_array= [ [ [2, [9, 10]], [5, [10, 11]], [4, [11, 9]], [0, [11, 4]] ], [ [1, [19, 2]], [0, [18, 5]] , [7, [17, 3]] ], [ [1, [41, 10]] ] ] 

现在,数组按其x值( [9, 10] – > x值: 9 )进行排序,并在新数组中分组。 可以说,x值之间的差异可以是+/- 2个索引(x值7,8,9,10,11)可以在一个组中。

我不知道如何编码; 这是我到目前为止:

 var my_array= [ [2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]] ] function sortArray(array) { var difference = 2, result = ''; var array_sorted = []; array.forEach(function(a) { a[1].forEach(function(b) { array_sorted.push([b[0],b[1],a[0]]); }) }) array_sorted = array_sorted.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0]-b[0]}); array_sorted.forEach(function(a) { if (a[0] > difference) { difference = a[0]; array_sorted.push(array_group); array_group = [];} array_group.push([a]); }) return array_sorted; } console.log(sortArray(my_array)); 

编辑 :我忘了提到的一点是,应该分组的坐标的y-value difference不应大于1 。 看下面的例子:

(x: 3, y:1),(x: 1, y:2),(x: 2, y:3),(x: 4, y:4) – > not (x: 4, y:41)


 var my_array= [ [2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]] ] var result_array= [ [ [2, [9, 10]], [5, [10, 11]], [4, [11, 9]] ], // line 1 [ [0, [11, 4]] ], // line 2 [ [1, [19, 2]] ], // line 3 [ [7, [17, 3]] ], // line 4 [ [0, [18, 5]] ], // line 5 [ [1, [41, 10]] ] // line 6 ] 

如果您看一下第1行和第2行:x值(第2行:’11’和第1行:’9’,’10’,’9’将完全匹配。现在我也想分开y值,就像我上面编辑的例子一样。 – >即使x-values match together ,如果y-values match together x-values match together ,它们也应该被分组到新的数组y-values match together

Y值匹配意味着,有一个类似行 – >
(x:2, y:4 ),(x:1, y:5 ),(x:2, y:6 ),(x:2, y:7 ),而不是像(x:4, y: 42





 var my_array= [ [2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]] ] var xdifference = 2; var ydifference = 1; function split(input_array) { var splitted = []; input_array.forEach(function (item) { var coordinates = item[1]; coordinates.forEach(function (coordinate) { splitted.push([item[0], coordinate]); }); }); return splitted; } function getXValueOf(item) { return item[1][0]; } function getYValueOf(item) { return item[1][1]; } function divideIntoHeaps(sorted_array) { var heaps = []; function findMatchingHeap(item) { var matching = heaps.find(function (heap) { return heap.every(function (itemOfHeap) { var xMatches = Math.abs(getXValueOf(item) - getXValueOf(itemOfHeap)) <= xdifference+1; var yMatches = Math.abs(getYValueOf(item) - getYValueOf(itemOfHeap)) <= ydifference+1; return xMatches && yMatches; }); }); return matching; } function allocate(item) { if (heaps.length == 0) { heaps.push([item]); } else { var matchingHeap = findMatchingHeap(item); if (matchingHeap !== undefined) { matchingHeap.push(item); } else { heaps.push([item]); } } } sorted_array.forEach(allocate); return heaps; } function sortArray(my_array) { var splitted = split(my_array); var result = divideIntoHeaps(splitted); return result; } var result = sortArray(my_array); result.forEach( function (row) { console.log(JSON.stringify(row)); }); 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; } 

如果我们命名输入的部分[[z,[[x,y],[x,y]],...] ,则此代码将其展平为[[x,y,z],...] ,按x排序,然后重新组成组:

 var my_array= [ [2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]] ] var rearrange = function(arr) { // flatten the input structure into [[x,y,z], [x,y,z]]: var simpler = []; arr.forEach(function(row) { row[1].forEach(function(pair) { simpler.push([pair[0],pair[1],row[0]]); }) }); // sort by x: simpler = simpler.sort(function(a,b) { return a[0]-b[0] }); // console.log(simpler); // Now group by x±2, into [ [z,[x,y]],[z,[x,y]] ] var output = []; var group = []; var latestX=simpler[0][0]; simpler.forEach(function(row) { if (row[0] > latestX + 5) { // start a new group latestX = row[0]; if (group.length > 0) { output.push(group); group = []; } } group.push([row[2],[row[0],row[1]]]); }); output.push(group); // catch the last group return output; } console.log(rearrange(my_array)); 

如果值在组的节点的所需范围内,您可以单个点并检查所有组。 如果不在任何组中,则生成新组并存储该点。 继续,直到没有更多的可用点。

 var array = [[2, [[9, 10]]], [5, [[10, 11]]], [4, [[11, 9]]], [1, [[19, 2], [41, 10]]], [7, [[17, 3]]], [0, [[11, 4], [18, 5]]]], normalized = array.reduce(function (r, a) { return r.concat(a[1].map(function (b) { return [a[0], b]; })); }, []), grouped = [], i, j, k, updated; loop: while (normalized.length) { if (!updated) { grouped.push([normalized.shift()]); } updated = false; for (i = 0; i < normalized.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < grouped.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < grouped[j].length; k++) { if (Math.abs(normalized[i][1][0] - grouped[j][k][1][0]) <= 2 && Math.abs(normalized[i][1][1] - grouped[j][k][1][1]) <= 1) { grouped[j].push(normalized.splice(i, 1)[0]); updated = true; continue loop; } } } } } console.log(grouped.map(function (a) { return JSON.stringify(a); })); 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }