

让我们假设在DOM中我有一个className =“ABC”的div节点。 我有一个名为“search”的有效Jquery对象,它包含html元素。 我需要找出它是否包含一些样式和值,如果它们我发现我将执行一个动作(从node.className中删除该类)

var search = $("div.A"); var css_arr = search.prop("className").split(" "); 


 float != "none" or Float != "" -> if yes, remove the class position != "absolute" or position != "" -> if yes, remove the class left is present ... remove the class -> if yes, remove the class top is present ... remove the class -> if yes, remove the class 



实例: http : //kod.djpw.cz/gwac


 cssList = function(node) { var sheets = document.styleSheets, o = {}; var sheet; for (var i in sheets) { if ( sheets[i].hasOwnProperty('cssRules') ) sheet = sheets[i].cssRules; else if ( sheets[i].hasOwnProperty('rules') ) sheet = sheets[i].rules; else continue; var rules = sheets[i].rules || sheets[i].cssRules; for (var r in rules) { if (node.is(rules[r].selectorText)) { o = $.extend(o, make_it_easy.easy.css2json(rules[r].style), css2json(node.attr('style'))); } } } return o; } 

问题sheets[i].hasOwnProperty('cssRules')sheets[i].hasOwnProperty('cssRules')sheets[i].hasOwnProperty('rules')总是返回false。 为什么? 在调试器中,我看到cssRules属性,但我无法检查它是否存在。


 $.fn.extend({ removeClassWithStyles: function(properties) { function filterClasses(child, cloned) { var thisClassAttr = child.attr("class"); if (thisClassAttr) { var splitClassName = thisClassAttr.split(/\s+/); $.each(splitClassName, function(c, className) { cloned.removeClass(className); $.each(properties, function(p, prop) { if (child.css(prop) != cloned.css(prop)) { console.log('remove class: ' + className); child.removeClass(className); return false; }; }); }); }; }; return this.each(function() { var thisElement = $(this); thisElement.find('*').each(function(e) { var child = $(this); var cloned = $(this).clone(); filterClasses(child, cloned); }); }); } }); $('body').removeClassWithStyles([ 'float', 'position', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ]); 
 body { position: relative; } .left { float: left; } .right-abs { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 100px; } .top-abs { position: absolute; top: 20px; } .center { text-align: center; } 




AAA ID肯定是从类hello中浮动的,但是获得类hello css仍然让我们离开,即使文档准备就绪。




 $( document ).ready(function(){ var search = $("div#left"); var class_arr = search.prop("className").split(" "); console.log("hello "+class_arr) $.each(class_arr,function(){ console.log($("."+class_arr).css("float")) console.log($("#AAA").css("float")) //hello hello //left //right }) }) 
 div #left { float: left } div #right { float: right} .hello {float:right} 



基于scobaljic建议我已经制作了这段代码。 scobaljic代码包含一些我纠正过的错误。 我的目标不是寻找嵌套元素。 我还添加了一个检查id的函数。 这里的关键是内联样式的备份,在比较之前从元素中删除它们并在比较后恢复它们。 我仍在调试代码,因此将来可能会修改以修复错误。

 /* Remove classes and ids with unwanted styles */ $.fn.extend({ removeClassWithStyles: function(properties, collectWidthAndPadding = false) { paddingAttribs = ["padding", "padding-left", "padding-right"]; widthAttribs = ["width", "max-width"]; heightAttribs = ["height", "max-height"]; function checkObjectProp( obj, element ) { return ( obj.prop == "float" && obj.exclude && ( obj.exclude == element.css( obj.prop ) ) ) ? true : false; } function remove_attr( properties, element, backupObj ) { backupObj; for (var p in properties) { if ( typeof properties[p] === 'object' ) { backupObj.attr.push(properties[p].prop); backupObj.val.push( element.css(properties[p].prop) ); element.css(properties[p].prop,""); } else { backupObj.attr.push(properties[p]); backupObj.val.push( element.css(properties[p]) ); element.css(properties[p],""); } } } function restore_attr( properties, element, backupObj ) { for (var p in backupObj.attr) element.css(backupObj.attr[p], backupObj.val[p]); backupObj = { attr: [], val: [] } // reset } /* To detect classes rules and ids rules I need to create copy of the original element or to backup the inline styles. I choosed to backup the inline styles because it is faster then clone. After I inline styles, I will create clone of the element and compare the styles with the modified element. Then I restore the styles. */ function filterClasses(element, className, id) { if ( className ) { var class_contains_width = false; var class_contains_height = false; element.css("position", "relative"); element.css("float", "left"); $.each( className.split(/\s+/), function(c, className) { /* Find out if current class contains the style */ var cloned = $(element).clone(); // remove class cloned.removeClass(className); /* Detect padding in element or clone */ if ( collectWidthAndPadding && cloned.checkPropertiesPresent(element, paddingAttribs) ) search_padding_collection_classes = search_padding_collection_classes.add(element); /* Detect if width/height could be removed with a class + prevent from calling multiple times */ if ( collectWidthAndPadding && !class_contains_width && search_width_classes && cloned.checkPropertiesPresent(element, widthAttribs) ) search_width_classes = search_width_classes.add(element); // div#BlogArchive1 div.widget-content $.each(properties, function(p, prop) { /* Then remove classes */ if ( typeof prop === 'object' ) { // A) The style has been inserted if ( element.css(prop.prop) != cloned.css(prop.prop) ) { if ( checkObjectProp( prop, cloned ) ) { // skip it } else { // element.removeClass(className); return false; } } else // B) The style has not been inserted { if (element.css(prop)) if ( checkObjectProp( prop, element ) ) { // skip it } else { // element.removeClass(className); return false; } } } else // prop is not object { // A) The style has been inserted // element.css("right") != cloned.css("right") if (element.css(prop) != cloned.css(prop)) { // element.removeClass(className); return false; } else // B) The style has not been inserted { if (element.css(prop)) { // element.removeClass(className); return false; } } } }); }); }; }; function filterIds(element, className, id) { if ( id ) { /* Find out if current id contains the style */ var cloned = $(element).clone(); // remove id cloned.removeAttr("id"); /* Detect padding in element or clone */ if ( collectWidthAndPadding && cloned.checkPropertiesPresent(element, paddingAttribs) ) search_padding_collection_classes = search_padding_collection_classes.add(element); /* Detect if width/height could be removed with a class + prevent from calling multiple times */ if ( collectWidthAndPadding && search_width_ids && cloned.checkPropertiesPresent(element, widthAttribs) ) search_width_ids = search_width_ids.add(element); // div#BlogArchive1 div.widget-content $.each(properties, function(p, prop) { /* Then remove classes */ if ( typeof prop === 'object' ) { // A) The style has been inserted if ( element.css(prop.prop) != cloned.css(prop.prop) ) { if ( checkObjectProp( prop, cloned ) ) { // skip it } else { // element.removeAttr("id"); return false; } } else // B) The style has not been inserted { if (element.css(prop)) if ( checkObjectProp( prop, element ) ) { // skip it } else { // element.removeAttr("id"); return false; } } } else // prop is not object { // A) The style has been inserted // element.css("right") != cloned.css("right") if (element.css(prop) != cloned.css(prop)) { // element.removeAttr("id"); return false; } else // B) The style has not been inserted { if (element.css(prop)) { // element.removeAttr("id"); return false; } } } }); }; }; return function(element){ var className = element.attr("class"); var id = element.attr("id"); var backup_inline_styles = { attr: [], val: [] } if ( className || id ) { remove_attr( properties, element, backup_inline_styles ); } filterClasses(element,className,id); filterIds(element,className,id); if ( className || id ) restore_attr( properties, element, backup_inline_styles ); }($(this)) } }); 


 window.onload = function() { search_padding_collection_classes = $(); search_width_classes = $(); search_padding_collection_ids = $(); search_width_ids = $(); var search = $("div.column-right-outer"); $(search).removeClassWithStyles([ { prop: 'float', exclude: 'none' }, 'position', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' ], true); $(search).compressElementsWidth(); // console.log($('div.column-right-outer').find("*").filter(":visible")); };