


+----+----+----+----+ | | | c4 | cx | | | c2 +----+----+ | | | c5 | cx | | c1 +----+----+----+ | | | c6 | cx | | | c3 +----+----+ | | | c7 | cx | +----+----+---------+ 


 +----+----+----+----+ | c1 | c2 | c4 | cx | | | +----+----+ | | | c5 | cx | | +----+----+----+ | | | c6 | cx | | | c3 +----+----+ | | | c7 | cx | +----+----+---------+ 


这是一个突出工作的jsfiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/ucarL9e9/1/

因此,每当我突出显示一行时,我想暂时更改单元格的垂直对齐方式,使其与突出显示的行一起使用。 所以这样的事情:







 +----+----+----+----+ | | | c4 | cx | | | c2 +----+----+ | | | c5 | cx | | +----+----+----+ | | | c6 | cx | | | +----+----+ | c1 | c3 | c7 | cx | +----+----+---------+ 




 $('tr > td').each(function() { var top = $(this).offset().top; if($(this).is('[rowspan]')) { $(this).html('Long Text'); } $(this).hover(function() { $('td[rowspan="45"] span').css('top', top); $('td[rowspan="45"]').css('background', '#ffff99'); }, function() { $('td[rowspan="45"] span').css('top', 0); $('td[rowspan="45"]').css('background', '#b8d1f3'); }); }); 


 td[rowspan="45"] { position: relative; } td[rowspan="45"] span { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; } 




 var activateTableRows = []; function activateTableRow(i) { var hoverTable = document.getElementsByClassName('hoverTable')[0]; var tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var upperTableData = tableRows[0].getElementsByTagName('td')[1]; var lowerTableData = document.querySelectorAll('td[rowspan]')[1]; var longText; var newLowerRow; var afterNewLowerTableData; if (i > 0) { newLowerRow = tableRows[i]; afterNewLowerTableData = newLowerRow.getElementsByTagName('td')[1]; newLowerRow.insertBefore(lowerTableData,afterNewLowerTableData); if (upperTableData.innerHTML !== '') { longText = upperTableData.innerHTML; upperTableData.innerHTML = ''; lowerTableData.innerHTML = longText; } upperTableData.rowSpan = i; lowerTableData.rowSpan = (tableRows.length - i); } else { newLowerRow = tableRows[(tableRows.length - 1)]; afterNewLowerTableData = newLowerRow.getElementsByTagName('td')[1]; newLowerRow.insertBefore(lowerTableData,afterNewLowerTableData); if (lowerTableData.innerHTML !== '') { longText = lowerTableData.innerHTML; upperTableData.innerHTML = longText; lowerTableData.innerHTML = ''; } upperTableData.rowSpan = (tableRows.length - 1); lowerTableData.rowSpan = 1; } } function activateTableRowFunction(i) { return function(){ var tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr'); tableRows[i].addEventListener('mouseover',function(){activateTableRow(i);},false); } } function initiateTableRowsFunction() { var tableRows = document.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var i = 0; i < tableRows.length; i++) { activateTableRows[i] = activateTableRowFunction(i); activateTableRows[i](); } } window.onload = initiateTableRowsFunction(); 
 .hoverTable { width:100%; border-collapse: collapse; } .hoverTable td { padding:7px; border:#4e95f4 1px solid; } /* Define the default color for all the table rows */ .hoverTable tr { background: #b8d1f3; } /* Define the hover highlight color for the table row */ .hoverTable tr:hover { background-color: #ffff99; } .hoverTable:hover td[rowspan] { background-color: #ffff99; } .hoverTable td[rowspan] { vertical-align: top; border-width: 0 1px; } 
Text 1A LONG text Text 1B Text 1C
Text 2A Text 2B Text 2C
Text 3A Text 3B Text 3C
Text 4A Text 4B Text 4C
Text 5A Text 5B Text 5C
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 tr:nth-of-type(1):hover td[rowspan] { vertical-align: top; } 

啊,等等,我已经看到了你的更新。 这种行为必须发生在每一行,对吧?
