:jQuery / Sizzle中的nth-of-type()?

令我感到惊讶的是, Sizzle (jQuery使用的选择器引擎)带有内置的:nth-child()选择器,但缺少:nth-of-type()选择器。

为了说明:nth-child():nth-of-type()之间的区别并说明问题,请考虑以下HTML文档 :

     :nth-of-type() in Sizzle/jQuery?  body p:nth-of-type(2n) { background: red; }    

The following CSS is applied to this document:

body p:nth-of-type(2n) { background: red; }

This is paragraph #1.

This is paragraph #2. (Should be matched.)

This is paragraph #3.

This is paragraph #4. (Should be matched.)

This is not a paragraph, but a div.

This is paragraph #5.

This is paragraph #6. (Should be matched.)

$(function() { // The following should give every second paragraph (those that had red backgrounds already after the CSS was applied) an orange background. // $('body p:nth-of-type(2n)').css('background', 'orange'); });

由于Sizzle使用浏览器原生的querySelector()querySelectorAll()方法(如果存在这些方法querySelectorAll() (即已经实现了Selectors API的浏览器 ),所以像$('body p:nth-child'); 当然会工作。 但它在旧版浏览器中不起作用,因为Sizzle没有这个选择器的回退方法。

是否可以轻松地将:nth-of-type()选择器添加到Sizzle,或者在jQuery中实现它(可能使用内置的:nth-child()选择器 )? 带参数的自定义选择器会很好。

 /** * Return true to include current element * Return false to exclude current element */ $.expr[':']['nth-of-type'] = function(elem, i, match) { if (match[3].indexOf("n") === -1) return i + 1 == match[3]; var parts = match[3].split("+"); return (i + 1 - (parts[1] || 0)) % parseInt(parts[0], 10) === 0; }; 

测试用例 – ( 在IE中检查或重命名选择器


 match[3] = match[3] == "even" ? "2n" : match[3] == "odd" ? "2n+1" : match[3]; 

jQuery插件moreSelectors支持nth-of-type(以及许多其他选择器)。 我建议使用它,或者只是实现一个只实现你需要的精确选择器的简单插件。 您应该能够从那里复制粘贴代码。



