
我正在处理这个html5文件上传器插件,但它有一个谷歌Chrome的错误,我无法理解和解决它。 它适用于Firefox。



当您第一次单击,选择,然后单击确定以从桌面上载文件时,它应该警告消息,例如’.button-1′ – 取决于您单击的上载按钮。

然后,如果您尝试再次上传相同的文件 ,这行代码将不再执行,

$(".upload-file",object_parent).change(function() { ... ... alert($cm.selector); }); 


 (function($){ // Attach this new method to jQuery $.fn.extend({ // This is where you write your plugin's name upload_file_html5: function(options) { // Set the default values, use comma to separate the settings, example: var defaults = { objectSuperparent: '.media' } var options = $.extend(defaults, options); var o = options; var $cm ={ //  button is the object in this case. var object = $(this); // Get other info from the element belong to this object group. var object_href = object.attr('href'); var object_parent = object.parent(); alert($cm.selector); // Trigger the click event on the element. // Due to security policies triggering click on the input type=file is not allowed/supported in some browsers and Opera is one of them. //$('input[type=file]').trigger('click'); // or: $(".upload-file",object_parent).click(); return false; }); // Trigger ajax post when ever the file is changed by the user. var $cm_2 = $(".upload-file").change(function(){ //  is the object in this case. var object = $(this); var object_form = object.parent(); var object_superparent = object.parents(o.objectSuperparent); var path_config = $($cm.selector,object_superparent).attr('href'); var path_post = object_form.attr('action'); alert($cm.selector); //alert(path_config); .... .... }); } }); })(jQuery); 
