








 iframe { border:0px none transparent !important; } 

而且,这些似乎也起作用 – marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" 。 摘自同一IE问题上的这篇文章 。



我意识到IE8对于iFRAMES来说是一件麻烦事。 “Frameborder”在HTML5中已被弃用,因此虽然它是IE8最简单的选项,但这不是一个长期的解决方案。

通过将iFRAME放在容器内,我已经成功隐藏了边框和滚动条。 iFRAME容器本身放置在div内部,以便在网页上进行整体定位。 iFRAME本身是绝对定位的,并且负边距应用于顶部和左侧以隐藏顶部和左侧边框。 绝对定位的iFRAME的宽度和高度应编码超过100%,因此它超出了父级大小,直到右边框和底边框不可见(滚动条也不可见)。 此技术还使iFrame响应,因为iFRAME容器使用百分比以及容纳容器的div。 当然,iFRAME父div必须设置为overflow:hidden。


  /*THE PARENT DIV FOR THE iFRAME CONTAINER*/ .calcontainer { width:100%; /*adjust iFrame shrinking here - if floating use percentage until no white space around image.*/ max-width:200px; margin:auto; } /*THE RELATIVE POSITIONED CONTAINER FOR THE iFRAME*/ .calinside /*container for iFRAME - contents will size huge if the container is not contained and sized*/ { position:relative; /*causes this to be the parent for the absolute iFRAME*/ padding-bottom: 100%; /* This is the aspect ratio width to height ratio*/ height: 0; overflow:hidden; /*hides the parts of the iFRAME that overflow due to negative margins and over 100% sizing*/ } /*THE ABSOLUTE POSITIONED iFRAME contents WITH NEGATIVE MARGINS AND OVER 100% SIZE IS CODED HERE. SEE THE NORMAL SETTINGS VERSUS THE IE8 SETTINGS AS MARKED. A SEPARATE CSS FILE IS NEEDED FOR IE8 WITH A CONDITIONAL STATEMENT IN THE HEAD OF YOUR HTML DOCUMENT/WEB PAGE*/ .calinside iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100% !important;/*must expand to hide white space to the right and below. Hidden overflow by parent above*/ height: 103% !important; /*must expand to hide white space to the right and below. Hidden overflow by parent above*/ /*IE8*/top: -2%; /*IE8*/left: -2%; /*IE8*/width: 114% !important;/*For IE8 hides right border and scroll bar area that is white*/ /*IE8*/height: 105% !important; /*hide white space and border below. Hidden overflow by parent above*/ } 

frameborder可以是10 ,不确定“no”是否为有效值。 Coda在编码时提供有效的值选项,当我对iframe执行此操作时,只能使用1和0。