blueimp jQuery-File-Upload – 如何在没有附加文件的情​​况下提交表单?

我在提交文件上传表单时找到了有关如何添加其他表单数据的解决方案。 如果没有要上传的文件,此问题是如何上传其他数据。

我在任务管理应用程序中使用blueimp jquery-file-upload,以便拖放文件并将它们附加到任务。

该脚本已初始化并设置为在附加文件时不自动上载。 在fileuploadadd回调中,我将data.submit()附加到我的submit事件处理程序。 这实现了我们在一个POST请求中提交任务数据和文件。

在添加文件之前,我无法访问文件上传data以使用data.submit()函数。 我想通过在页面加载时添加一个空文件(然后删除它)来解决这个问题,这会触发将data.submit()绑定到提交按钮。 问题是插件在尝试循环遍历空文件数组时返回错误。 如果您在提交表单之前添加了一个文件然后将其删除,也会出现此问题。



  $('#post_task').fileupload({ autoUpload: false, singleFileUploads: false, disableImagePreview: true, }).on('fileuploadadd', function (e, data) { $.each(data.files, function (index, file) { var filename =, filesize = bytesToSize(file.size) ext = filename.substr(filename.lastIndexOf('.')+1,5), icon = '', node = $('
  • ').append($('').html(icon + filename + ' ' + filesize + '&times')).attr('data-index',index); node.find('a').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $self = $(this), $listItem = $self.parents('li'), listIndex = $listItem.attr('data-index'); $listItem.remove(); $('#files li').attr('data-index',function(index){return index;}); data.files.splice(listIndex,listIndex); console.log(data); vardata = data; }); $('#files').append(node); }); $('#post_task').unbind('submit').submit(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); data.submit(); }); });
  • 我遇到了同样的问题,如果没有文件,我最终会在提交之前添加一个空文件。

     $("#fileupload").fileupload('add', { files: [''] }); 




     $('#avatar').fileupload({ singleFileUploads: true, multipart : true, dataType : 'json', autoUpload : false, url : config.settings.api + 'services/user/updateByActivationKey', type : 'POST', add : function (e, data) { submitbtn.on("click", function () { console.log('submitting with image'); data.submit(); }); }, done : function (result) { console.log(result); if (!result.error) { $('#modal-account-activated-success').modal('show'); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); $('#mercname').html(''); window.setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = config.settings.user_url; }, 3000); } else { //analytics.track('completeProfileError', { // error : JSON.parse(result.responseText).error, // activationKey: sessionStorage.getItem("activationkey") //}); $('#modal-account-activated-error').modal('show'); $('#submitloader').html(''); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } } , fail : function (e) { //analytics.track('completeProfileError', { // error : e, // activationKey: sessionStorage.getItem("activationkey") //}); $('#errormessage').html(JSON.parse(e.responseText).error.messages[0]); $('#modal-account-activated-error').modal('show'); $('#submitloader').html(''); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); //if no image was uploaded submitbtn.on("click", function () { if ($('#preview').html().length < 1) { console.log('submitting without image'); $.ajax({ url : config.settings.api + 'services/user/updateByActivationKey', type : 'POST', data : JSON.stringify({ 'email' : $("#email").val(), 'activationKey' : $("#activationKey").val(), 'firstName' : $("#firstname").val(), 'lastName' : $("#name").val(), 'password' : $("#password").val(), 'gender' : $("#gender").val(), 'birthdate' : $("#birthdate").val(), 'acceptedTermsAndConditions': $("#checkbox-accept-terms").val(), 'allowsDirectMarketing' : $("#checkbox-allow-marketing").val() }), beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); }, success : function (result) { console.log(result); if (!result.error) { $('#modal-account-activated-success').modal('show'); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); $('#mercname').html(''); window.setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = config.settings.user_url; }, 3000); } else { //analytics.track('completeProfileError', { // error : JSON.parse(result.responseText).error, // activationKey: sessionStorage.getItem("activationkey") //}); $('#modal-account-activated-error').modal('show'); $('#submitloader').html(''); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } }, error : function (e) { //analytics.track('completeProfileError', { // error : e, // activationKey: sessionStorage.getItem("activationkey") //}); $('#errormessage').html(JSON.parse(e.responseText).error.messages[0]); $('#modal-account-activated-error').modal('show'); $('#submitloader').html(''); $("#submitbtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } }) } }); 

    @Hirshy和@Luk,你的解决方案非常优雅,就像一个魅力。 文件输入字段甚至不会被发送到服务器,因此很容易确定文件何时在有效负载中。



     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Prepare file uploader. */ /* */ /* jQuery-File-Upload does not submit a form unless a file has been */ /* selected. To allow this, we manually add an empty file to be uploaded, */ /* which makes the submit handler available, and we replace the submit */ /* handler with one that will submit the form without a selected file. */ /* */ /* see: */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var uploadForm = $('#DocumentForm'); var fileInput = $('#DocumentForm input:file'); $scope.uploadOptions = { url: Services.Documents.uploadRoute, autoUpload: false, dropZone: uploadForm, fileInput: fileInput, replaceFileInput: false }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialize the uploader. This must be done with the options */ /* or an error will be thrown when an empty file is added below. */ /* It is also necessary to initialize with the options here as */ /* well as in the element html or the results are unpredictable. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ uploadForm.fileupload($scope.uploadOptions); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* File processing is called in the default add handler and this */ /* handler is called after a successful add. It displays the file */ /* name in the drop zone, sets the document name for a new document, */ /* and sets the submit handler to submit the form with file and data. */ /* */ /* If editing a document, a dummy empty file object is manually */ /* added to make the submit handler available so the user can make */ /* data changes without uploading a new document. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uploadForm.bind("fileuploadprocessdone", function(e, data) { /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the user selected file object and display the name. */ /* Set the document name to the file name if not already set. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (data.files[0].name) { $scope.document.file = data.files[0]; if (!$ $ = $; MessageService.clear(); } /*--------------------------------------*/ /* If this is the dummy file add, reset */ /* 'acceptFileTypes' to global config. */ /*--------------------------------------*/ else delete $scope.uploadOptions.acceptFileTypes; /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set the submit handler. We have to do this every time a */ /* file is added because 'data' is not passed to the handler. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------*/ uploadForm.unbind('submit').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); data.submit(); }); }); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If we get here, the file could not be added to the process queue most */ /* likely because it is too large or not an allowed type. This is dispatched */ /* after the add event so clear the current file and show the error message. */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uploadForm.bind("fileuploadprocessfail", function(e, data) { $scope.document.file = null; MessageService.notice(data.files[data.index].error); }); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add a dummy empty file if not a new document so the submit */ /* handler is set and the user does not have to upload a document. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!$scope.new_document) { $scope.uploadOptions.acceptFileTypes = null; uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [{}] }); } 


    结果是uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [''] }); 如果服务器返回失败状态,将导致在浏览器中抛出exception。 JFU尝试分配data.files[0].error和data.files [0]不存在。

    通过分配空数组而不是空字符串来很好地处理问题: uploadForm.fileupload('add', { files: [[]] });



    事实certificate我确实想要限制文件类型,所以我修改了我的脚本以在虚拟文件添加之前清除’acceptFileTypes’属性并在add处理程序中重置它。 还发现我无法访问添加处理程序中的进程错误,因此将其替换为’fileuploadprocessdone’并处理’fileuploadprocessfail’中的错误。

    我已经更新了上面的示例,但我们仍在使用JFU 5.42.0。


    我使用的是5.42.0,这是JFU的一个非常老的版本。 我没有写这个代码,我第一次尝试升级失败了。 当我升级时,我会更新此解决方案。**

    试试这个puglin simpleUpload ,不需要表格




     $('#simpleUpload').simpleUpload({ url: 'upload.php', trigger: '#enviar', success: function(data){ alert('Envio com sucesso'); } });