
#img { width:300px; height:300px; overflow:hidden; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-position: center !important; background-size: contain !important; color:#fff; } $('#get').click(function () { var width = $('#img').css('background-size').width(); var height = $('#img').css('background-size').height(); alert('Width: ' + width + ' Height: ' + height); }); //I DON'T want the size of the orginal image. I want the size after the background size has been contained. 

我希望获得原始背景图像大小,但是在使用jQuery包含背景(在完成此操作之后:background-size:contains;)之后。 有可能吗?


我认为这个计划的缺陷是,当加载页面时,背景图像实际上不是DOM的一部分。 当您查询.css('background-size')您将返回分配给该规则密钥的CSS规则 (即key:value)。

所以,如果我有一个背景为#000div ,我要求jQuery返回$('div').css('background')它将返回#000的值。

由于您使用容器来缩放背景图像,要将其压缩到新的维度,因此.css('background-size')值永远不会是像“100px 500px”那样的计算值。 它可能是“自动”。 此外, background-size的属性没有width属性,所以.css('background-size').width()不会返回上面的jQuery中的值。



 IMG original dimensions: 1000px x 400px container's dimensions after page renders: 600px x 200px // Compare the ratio of height / height and width / width widthRatio = .6 heightRatio = .5 // image should scale proportionally, so it must scale to the smallest ratio // eg if it needs to be 50% as tall, it has to be 50% as wide, even though // it could fit set at 60% its original width // so multiply ratio (.5) by original dimensions of image (1000px x 400px) newImgBgDimensions = 500px x 200px 
 window.onload = function() { var imageSrc = document .getElementById('hello') .style .backgroundImage .replace(/url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2') .split(',')[0]; // I just broke it up on newlines for readability var image = new Image(); image.src = imageSrc; var width = image.width, height = image.height; alert('width =' + width + ', height = ' + height) } 


  function getheightwidth(id) { var element = document.getElementById(id); if (element && element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img') { return { width: element.width, height: element.height }; } }  var dimensions= getheightwidth(); alert("Width is " + dimensions.width +"Height is "+ dimensions.height); 



 function get(img){ var imageSrc = $(img).css('backgroundImage') .replace(/url\((['"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2') .split(',')[0]; var image = new Image(); image.src = imageSrc; var bgwidth = image.width, bgheight = image.height, bgContainWidth = $(img).width(); var bgContainHeight = (bgheight*bgContainWidth)/bgwidth; var decimal = bgContainHeight.toString().split('.'); if(decimal[0]>=5) { bgContainHeight = Math.ceil(bgContainHeight); } else { bgContainHeight = Math.floor(bgContainHeight); } alert('bg Contain width = ' + bgContainWidth + ',bg Contain Height = ' + bgContainHeight); } $('#get').click(function () { get('#img'); }); 

看演示小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/c4yHf/1/


)而不是图像。 如果您将获得容器尺寸您将获得其中的图像大小(它的背景)。 我将给你jQuery解决方案:

 $(document).ready(function(){ alert('width: ' + $('#img').width() +'; height: ' + $('#img').height() ); }) 
