
我在我的应用程序中使用Highcharts饼图,其中饼图的数据是从数据库填充的。 我的问题是填充饼图后,如果我点击某个区域它应该呈现给特定的PHP页面。 可能吗?


function open_risk_level_pie() { $chart = new Highchart(); $chart->chart->renderTo = "open_risk_level_pie"; $chart->chart->plotBackgroundColor = null; $chart->chart->plotBorderWidth = null; $chart->chart->plotShadow = false; $chart->title->text = "Risk Level"; $chart->tooltip->formatter = new HighchartJsExpr("function() { return ''+ this.point.name +': '+ this.point.y; }"); $chart->plotOptions->pie->allowPointSelect = 1; $chart->plotOptions->pie->cursor = "pointer"; $chart->plotOptions->pie->dataLabels->enabled = false; $chart->plotOptions->pie->showInLegend = 1; $chart->plotOptions->pie->colors = array('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'black'); $chart->credits->enabled = false; // Open the database connection $db = db_open(); // Get the risk levels $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * from `risk_levels`"); $stmt->execute(); $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); $high = $array[0][0]; $medium = $array[1][0]; $low = $array[2][0]; // Query the database $stmt = $db->prepare("select a.calculated_risk, COUNT(*) AS num, CASE WHEN a.calculated_risk >= " . $high . " THEN 'High' WHEN a.calculated_risk = " . $medium . " THEN 'Medium' WHEN a.calculated_risk = " . $low . " THEN 'Low' WHEN a.calculated_risk = 0 THEN 'Insignificant' END AS level from `risk_scoring` a JOIN `risks` b ON a.id = b.id WHERE b.status != \"Closed\" GROUP BY level ORDER BY a.calculated_risk DESC"); $stmt->execute(); // Store the list in the array $array = $stmt->fetchAll(); // Close the database connection db_close($db); // If the array is empty if (empty($array)) { $data[] = array("No Data Available", 0); } // Otherwise else { // Create the data array foreach ($array as $row) { $data[] = array($row['level'], (int)$row['num']); } $chart->series[] = array('type' => "pie", 'name' => "Level", 'data' => $data); } echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo $chart->render("open_risk_level_pie"); echo "\n";


在highcharts网站上有一个类似的东西。 您可以使用point / events / clickfunction触发新的页面加载:

  plotOptions: { series: { cursor: 'pointer', point: { events: { click: function() { location.href = this.options.url; } } } } }, 



  data: [{ y: 29.9, url: 'http://bing.com/search?q=foo' }, { 
